Neither the update nor the original program will install on my Dell Latitude E6410 running Windows 7 Professional.
Neither the original program or the update will go past the first phase of the installation. Stuck permanently at
Copying Files, Please stand by,
Processing VBSTKIT.DLL
You may need to run the setup program as an administrator or make sure you are logged as the Administrator when you run the setup program.
OR this can be done the hard way, and that is to open the Base3SystemUtility.CAB (it works much like a compressed ZIP file) file directly and copy the files directly to a folder on your C Drive. You still need to register the VBSTKIT.DLL file which is where your computer is having trouble in the first place.
To register the DLL file:
Copy the VBSTKIT.DLL to the c:\windows\system32 folder.
Next, open a command prompt window with administrator privileges.
* The methods of doing this vary between Windows versions. Generally, find the command prompt in the start menu, right-click on it, and select "run as Administrator"
type regsver 32 /i VBSTKIT.DLL and press enter
Now from the folder where you copied the Base3SystemUtility.CAB files, right-click on base3systemutility.exe, select "send to" and then click on "Desktop (create shortcut)".
Use the new shortcut to open the base 3 utility.