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60F75C24-809B-4DC1-B95D-8CA19DB0F35BB94CCBF4-F91F-40E9-9989-90B43B0D9799In the recent OGR issue, run 327, I was very inspired by the layout featured on page 53 by Ronnie Tong, Jr. Today I did a mock up with what I had available; just for a perspective. The upper level will be a Christmas downtown/residential area serviced by a trolley. There will be an upper level station building with island platforms below for the three tracks. The upper level will contour and extend towards the back corner; where the trolley will loop. Under the 3/4” foam I plan on using 1/4” luan for rigidity. In the platform area I plan on using conduit to simulate concrete pillars. A wall will be created on the far side of the third track.
The first photo is as you enter the room and the second is a close up of the platform area. Not viewed is a more extensive operational area to the right. I’m interested in your opinions.

Thank you, Jay


Images (2)
  • 60F75C24-809B-4DC1-B95D-8CA19DB0F35B
  • B94CCBF4-F91F-40E9-9989-90B43B0D9799
Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER
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I’ve seen this type of track plan in a number of iterations. You have to decide what you want that lower level to be. If it’s nothing more than a pass-through, what you have here is fine. Or, you may want to consider modeling the interior of a train or subway station. That would lend itself to the shorter height and make it as if you were peering inside the building. Otherwise, I agree with the above suggestion that you may want to increase the height depending on what you're  modeling or the scenery we will be.

VJandP, thank you for your response. For the purposes of viewing the foam is 9” high; it could be higher. In the second photo I did a mock up of the island platforms which will be lit and have stairs, an elevator, etc. My  visual is of the PRR platforms at the 30th Street station in Philadelphia. There will be a wall installed on the far side of the third track. My other visual, and catalyst, is the article I noted in OGR run 327.


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