Hi Joe, Couple of suggestions. I would stagger the entrances to get away from that flat appearance. By staggering
them you can add retaining walls etc. which will provide a lot of scenic interest. Do you operate the layout from
inside the bench work or outside? I would think about arranging the staggering appropriately i.e. your
illustration indicates you viewing angle is on the inside, opposite of the camera angle. If you do decide to
splice the entrances you can gap them as in these photos. One final thought is if you need to
splice them together more tightly together I would look at the tunnel portals from Scenic Express.
I believe the Woodland Scenic portals are plaster casts. Attempting to cut them will likely result
in breaking the plaster. The Scenic Express portals are a 'foamy' material and are easily cut and
mated together. Good luck, Mike