Just a question, I’d be willing to bet that a lot of people who complain publicly about things aren’t even customers. If you got your reservations in, ask all the questions you want
I am not a buyer of this particular model. The reason is 1.) I don't have a use for it and 2.) I can better use the money on something [ N&W ] that I could use. That is not to say that I don't like it or that I wouldn't like to have one, it is just not on my list of things that I need.
Also, what you don't know is that I sent Scott information (and he knows this) about the VGN EL-2B that I found in my library. I did this in the hope it would help him get the details correct in order for the folks that are Virginian fans would get the best possible model.
Let me offer up some photos that were in the info that I sent Scott and I will let the forum be the judge:
*Note the name on the bridge [ East Erie Commercial RR ]. That makes me confident that this is a photo of the as delivered EL-2B. Note the color of the trucks.

Note the high gloss finish of the overall loco.

Now for a bit of education. Companies were known to enhance their public relation photos. They would colorize black & white photos and liven up color photos.
Witness the photo below.

Hmmm, looks just like this one. Only the one below is more vibrant, as if someone in the photo department pumped up the color to make the Forty-Ninth Annual Report look good.

It is pretty clear to me that the trucks in the bottom photo are very gray, while the trucks in the top photo are...not very gray.
I'm not complaining, I'm just offering up the information.