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* This new DCC Automaatic Control Video 846 shows 3 MTH O-Gauge trains running on 1 loop, but using the simpler "YARD" mode -- where ALL THREE trains park in the "Yard" between runs.

* The PREVIOUS Video 845 (posted 4/25/23) showed 3 MTH trains running on 1 loop -- using the "MAINLINE" mode -- where 1 train is ALWAYS moving on the mainline, and 2 trains are parked in the "Yard".

* This newer Video 846 is not quite as much "Action" as the earlier video 845, but a little easier to UNDERSTAND and implement.

~~~~~ 2. HOW IT WORKS:

* After the 1st train leaves the Yard, and pulls out onto the Mainline, the 2 trains in the yard "pull forward" -- which creates an empty spot in the rear of the yard.

* When the mainline train pulls into the rear of the yard, ALL THREE of the trains "PARK" for a minute, before the 2nd train starts up.

* We can also play a optional "STATION DEPARTURE ANNOUNCEMENT" before each train leaves the yard.

~~~~~ 3. VIDEO LINKS:

* Video 1/4
, This is a FAST-FORWARD PREVIEW (shows Videoss 2, 3, & 4): or

* Video 2/4, DEMONSTRATIONS: or

  • Skip to about the  2:40 point in this Video 2  -- to see the actual demo

* Video 3/4, COMPONENTS: or

* Video 4/4, DOCUMENTATION: or

The photos, drawings, and commands used for this method are in the Google Drive album:

The PREVIOUS Video 845 (posted 4/25/23) showed 3 MTH trains running on 1 loop -- using the "MAINLINE" mode:



Images (1)
  • a1-title-846
Last edited by James Ingram
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