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Norton posted:

These are fine engines. Mine is still PS2. What differences have you noticed with PS3?


The PS3 sound files are much better. Deeper sounding chuff and better sounding whistle. Also smokes better and runs much smoother.

I was always happy with this loco with Proto2 but it developed issues with the electronics and I figured for a little more better to upgrade than repair.


Bob Shaw posted:


The sounds on your upgraded Mikado are much better than my 15 year old Premier Mikado which is a favorite of mine. You have shown an attractive alternative to just buying more new engines. 

Since this 2001 release there were three subsequent releases of NYC Mikados with PS2 not including the newest PS3 engine. I have the 2001 version and plan to upgrade the speaker then try some of the newer sound files. It may not be necessary to replace all the electronics to improve the sounds. The use of newer sound files has significantly improved some of my older MTH engines like my Dreyfuss and Mohawks.


Last edited by Norton
Bob Shaw posted:

Is this a PS 3-2 or a total PS 3 upgrade?

My understanding is that the PS 3-2 service replacement boards must use old PS2 sound files. And PS3 boards are only available to authorized MTH service techs.

Bob,  You can use PS-3 Sound files with PS-32 boards.  You just need to keep the PS-32 Flash file the same.  I have done plenty of PS-32 repairs or the PS-32 Steam upgrade and used newer PS-3 files giving the enhanced features such as quillable whistle, crossing signals, etc...  G

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