From time to time, I have this issue with tank cars, reefers, and the cattle car. I rarely use this feature and would be satisfied with a way to keep them closed but not damage them. Disconnecting the activation wire does not always help and the activator seems to be very sensitive and comes open easily. Phil
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I was just going to post this same question, my vision line reefer has been opening up and I can not figure out why. Its happened all over the layout, not just one spot...
Yep, its the couplers, mine do it as well. With a small file or Dremel drill you can grind the offending metal and they will work flawlessly.
Thanks for the info and pic, J Daddy.
phil klopp posted:From time to time, I have this issue with tank cars, reefers, and the cattle car. I rarely use this feature and would be satisfied with a way to keep them closed but not damage them. Disconnecting the activation wire does not always help and the activator seems to be very sensitive and comes open easily. Phil
If disconnecting the wire doesn't help, then it's a mechanical issue. One easy fix is sometimes the little tang up inside is bent improperly and makes the coupler too sensitive. This is for the mechanical coupler illustrated.
FWIW, the coupler that J DADDY shows is a magnetic one, not an electrocoupler. In order to fix the electrocoupler mechanical issues, you have to remove the rivet and the knuckle. Smoothing all the actuating surfaces has fixed many of them for me, but occasionally you'll need to replace the plunger spring as well. Some folks stretch the plunger spring, but I figure if it will stretch and stay, it's pretty shot already. Good in a pinch, but I'd rather have a new spring. This is not the knuckle spring, though I typically replace those if I have to take a coupler apart.
What's the part number of the plunger spring.
Rod Miller
phil klopp posted:From time to time, I have this issue with tank cars, reefers, and the cattle car. I rarely use this feature and would be satisfied with a way to keep them closed but not damage them. Disconnecting the activation wire does not always help and the activator seems to be very sensitive and comes open easily. Phil
Did you pay extra for this feature?
Oops, yes. sorry about that... if its an electorcoupler, I toss it and buy another... not worth the hassle.
romiller49 posted:What's the part number of the plunger spring.
Rod Miller
Good question Rod, I found some that worked in my spring collection, but I haven't found a part number for the "official" part yet.