My biggest complaint of the GG1 is the packaging. If any engine begged to have a top and bottom type foam cradle it's this engine. Trying to get this engine into a side way foam holder while keeping the 2 end foam nose blocks with the weight and awkwardness of the engine is dang near impossible. Personally I don't know why all engines are not packed top/bottom.
Other than that the GG1 was a nice runner. It crawled the layout for about an hour. I finally got the SN off of it and registered it to the Lionel website. Interestingly enough there was no where asking for the SN so I guess I could have registered it month ago.
The FEF is quite a runner. I may open it up and check the wicking in the smoke unit. Since it is second hand I'd like to go over it although I know the previous owner and it shouldn't need much.