Zinc Pest strikes again.....and again.....and again....
Our (LHS) Atlas sales contact confirmed about a year ago that Atlas would, indeed, make a retro repair kit for this condition. Since then we've had no update.
Couple thoughts....
Broken trucks?.....Not a typical Weaver problem from what we've heard. Not sure whether the Troop Car floors were made in the same China factory as the trucks, but the frequency of reported floor problems far exceeds anything we've heard re trucks.....esp. the Allied Full Cushion trucks for these cars.
Anyone having the Weaver troop cars who has not yet inspected them for this floor-warp problem should do so rather soon. If there is any incipient bowing/stress of the floor, I'd suggest IMMEDIATELY and carefully detaching the floor casting from the body molding. Once the plastic body has been warped due to the floor problem, you're talking a whole different ballgame in trying to salvage a decent car. In fact, a cracked/warped body is pretty much a candidate for recycling or half-car projects (MOW freelancing???)
Further, if there is any warpage of the floor, I'd carefully remove any and all detail parts, center sill, etc. from the floor and let it do its thing without stressing other attached components. Since we're still not sure what Atlas' proposal for a retro kit will be, I'd save all the detail parts....if re-usable...for future re-attachment.
Finally, an associate and I created a resin casting mold of the Troop Car floor. We've made a few parts for our own use/experimentation. We created a repair package concept. Results were excellent, IMHO. It was at this point we learned of Atlas' intent, and shelved the project. (A resin casting floor will not have the same weight as a zinc casting, of course. Adding additional weight to the interior of the car is simple, but not having to do so would be preferable.) Since Atlas has announced production of the troop cars, we believe their solution is imminent. We'll see.