He does not have a computer or tablet so it hard for him to respond. He could use his phone but it being so small it is hard to type. This is why I'm trying help from a distance.
FWIW, I have already helped your unnamed friend solve his yard WD issue. And, for your information, he somehow is reading the forum and saw you posting about his problem. So maybe he's not quite as helpless as you would like to believe.
Give him some ideas on how to improve the dcs signal at start up! This is his basic issue.
Dave, that is NOT his issue! His issue is how and when the TIU sends the WD signal. I think it's time for you to invest in Barry's book and read how and when the WD is generated.
I never had an issue like this on my former 25x14 dcs layout and I used many toggles in my yards. Has MTH Changed some anything that I do not know about? There must be something causing this on so many layouts.
You must be a magician! There's no way that just turning on a siding that is powered from an already powered TIU channel generates a WD signal. If you managed to make that happen, you're the only one on the planet that has that kind of magical powers! Or, perhaps, your layout was haunted and there was a ghost that was operating the TIU channel power? The rest of us all have to design layout solutions to solve the problem, since clearly we don't have such abilities.
The only time when the WD is generated from a TIU channel has not changed over the years. It's very simple. When a TIU channel sees power coming on from an off state, it generates a WD signal for a set period of time. That time has varied from version to version, but it still only happens at power-on of a channel.
Every layout is different! That is not a answer. Why can't MTH make this easier, if it is a known problem, fix it.
It's the way that the TIU has managed the WD from the earliest TIU version to the present day. Every layout is different, it just so happens that this behavior is a constant.
As to why MTH doesn't solve it, you'll have to ask them. I've often wondered why the TIU doesn't always generate a WD signal, but I suspect it's due to the possibility of collisions with the data coming back from the locomotives. However, the odd thing is, using the perpetual watchdog timer board in a DCS Remote Commander and connecting it to yard feeds somehow works fine, so the presence of those signals apparently doesn't totally screw things up. To refresh everyone's memory, the discussion below started out a few years ago when I was trying to figure out how to do the same thing for a bunch of yard tracks. Stan came up with the idea of using the DCS-RC to generate the perpetual WD, and I designed a PCB to capture that idea. See the thread here:
A bunch of people have used these boards with the DCS-RC package to generate yard WD signals. AFAIK, this is still one of the better ways to address this issue, at least until some future version of the TIU generates a WD continuously.