I had the same experience that Frank describes with two approx. 10 year old brand-new-in-box "virgin" Weaver VO's this past year. The grease had solidified to the lubricant quality of heat-dried Walther's Goo. Furthermore, once cleaned up and reassembled I discovered one had a can fly-wheel that had not been pressed on deep enough and was fouling the roof interior, a situation I've encountered in the past with their Ultra-line FA's. Once you work out all of their out of box issues they're decent runners, I have been told they perform better with a DCC installation than "straight" voltage but have no experience with the VO version so equipped, redoing the motor wiring harness to series does improve their performance on straight current. One other issue, they share the same stamped inside wheel wiper design of the FA-2/RS-11/U-25B, albeit with a shorter length plate, which is IMO the biggest issue with these as it's my experience that unless your switch work is really(really) "flat" the wiper can foul on switch points and frogs and worse, can get sufficiently bent to get "eaten" by the adjoining gears
I would think it's a given to expect the new in-box quality of the impending Atlas version to be significantly higher; likewise if the truck wheel wiper issue I described is addressed, as well as upgrading the shell from the original cast-on grabs, I would rightly expect them to be worth the higher price.
Opinion, it's one of Weaver's best shells. I think they look great.