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John. Nice work on the Vista Coach and the figures look nice as well

Larry. The Theatre car is Beautiful have fun with it 

Mark. The Switch looks nice hope the wiring does give you any trouble 

PennsyNut. Keep us posted on the painting I would like to see it 

Bruce. I know the feeling I just got back to posting regularly here a couple weeks ago. Yard work, Garden, and updating my Chicken House has kept me busy 

jbmccormick  nice run 

Lou1985. Nice steamer 

Nothing from me I started packing up my HO stuff for storage I was going to sell it but the wife said I need to keep it for the Grand Kids I thought to my self why would I wish that HO on my Grand kids when O Scale is much better. Enjoy your day 

Loose Caboose.....why so many blocks? I have 12 and have had people tell me that is too many. Not sure of the reasoning. Why do you have 32?

Don Merz

Big Elmira Branch table addition 3-2Two would be too many if I only ran Command Control.  However I have conventional Locomotives that I like to run occasionally.  Is 32 too many even to run conventional? I am not sure but I had or was able to obtain the BPC's to accommodate this number so now I don't have to say, "I wish I had made more Blocks to isolate one Locomotive from another".  I have included a picture of my layout.  the red numbers are my switches and the green numbers are for labeling my blocks.  I leave it to the reader whether I have too many blocks.



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  • Big Elmira Branch table addition 3-2

Loose and Don,

I run nothing conventional, and I have blocks 4 blocks per each of the two main lines, so 8 in total.  For me the blocks are good at stopping something BEFORE a crash occurs.  This is typically due to an unplanned uncoupling.  Also if I am running two trains on the main lines its nice to have them stop, again to avoid a collision.


@jbmccormick posted:

Loose and Don,

I run nothing conventional, and I have blocks 4 blocks per each of the two main lines, so 8 in total.  For me the blocks are good at stopping something BEFORE a crash occurs.  This is typically due to an unplanned uncoupling.  Also if I am running two trains on the main lines its nice to have them stop, again to avoid a collision.


I would assume, because not knowing your layout, that you have no sidings as they should have a block assigned to them also.  If you do not any conventional engine would start moving when the throttle is advanced.  I have numerous sidings as you can see in my picture and each has an individual block number assigned hence the reason I have so many(?).

I'm confused: Before acquired TMCC, I divided my layout into what my fellow HO modelers called "blocks", or sections of mainline trackage powered in such a way (by rotary switches) as to prevent more than one train occupying the same block at the same time. All the stub end sidings were not part of this block arrangement but rather powered by simple on-off toggle switches; they never referred to these as "blocks". Should they have been called blocks too???

Last edited by modeltrainsparts

Running my current 6 car mail train, in order: Ggd b70, for now  a stock K-line bm, Weaver New Haven and PRR b60s, a kitbashed K-line baggage and then another Weaver PRR b60. I will substitute a Ggd PRP bm70 for the K-line bm car when it arrives. I think I can successfully disguise the K-line bashed baggage between the two prr 60s after I paint the K-line.IMG_20200831_143749IMG_20200831_143754IMG_20200831_143803 Scenery helps disguise the overhang  of the ggd car in many of the O72 curves.


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  • IMG_20200831_143749
  • IMG_20200831_143754
  • IMG_20200831_143803

Jim and Jackson,

Everything I run is either DCS or TMCC/Legacy.  On my layout, I have 2 yards, one of which has the toggle switches that Jackson is describing, (being able to power off a section of the track).   The other yard does not.  I don't consider that a block, rather more an on/off switch.  Call it what you like though.

I actually wish I had another signal block on my layout as that would allow me to run 3 trains on my main line instead of 2.  I should have been more clear.  With the use of relays, and a signal system, if a block is occupied the power to the track is killed until the block is cleared.

Here is a video of my layout 


I'm confused: Before acquired TMCC, I divided my layout into what my fellow HO modelers called "blocks", or sections of mainline trackage powered in such a way (by rotary switches) as to prevent more than one train occupying the same block at the same time. All the stub end sidings were not part of this block arrangement but rather powered by simple on-off toggle switches; they never referred to these as "blocks". Should they have been called blocks too???

I have to remember back some thirty or forty years to my work at a RR supply company.  Yes Blocks were defined as the Entry OS (On-Station) to the exit OS.  sidings in true fashion were not referred to as a Block.  However I use the Lionel BPC's (Not to be confused with BPC2's) as a three position (in my case) rotary switch; TPC0, TP1 and Off.  So I also wire the sidings to be able to turn them on and off and hence they get a "Block" number or on the legacy remote "ACS" number.  So again Technically in the real world you are correct but we in the imaginary world make accommodations even if not correct terminology.

Trying running your layout in simulation mode. You can then see how the layout operates. I am seeing lots of disconnected tracks. You have done a lot of detail in SCARM, perhaps focus on the track and how it operates first, then add the details. I am not really interested in making my layout match SCARM, just want it to provide guidance on what to expect when building. 

What do you want to do relative to operating your layout. Freight, passenger, continuous operation, multiple engines at the same time. Minimum curve to run your engines?   I have found you need to have a purpose to what you are doing, otherwise you will not be happy. Its OK to change the layout as you learn more about the hobby and your interests. I did lots.  Jeff

I opened my new Lionel 2027260 Union Pacific Excursion Vista Vision to start detailing it and found the wrong car in the factory box.  The box contained a "Kenefick" Business/Observation from the Lionel George HW Bush Funeral Train with the Little People in it.  The box contained the Instruction Booklet for Camera cars.

I am stopped until I can get a replacement from Grzyboski Trains.  I have the Pennsylvania "Catenary View" Vista Vision that I could start, but the interior is light beige, not red like the two ten-car Broadway Limited passenger sets that I detailed.  Lionel stated that the NEW Vista Vision cars would match previous passenger trains in their literature.  A dealer with the Amtrak Vista Vision emailed me that the interior is beige/off-white, not blue like my seven car Amtrak set that I detailed.

I guess I get a night off from detailing.  Maybe I will paint some of the unpainted seated people I purchased from Evemodel in China on Ebay

Sincerely, John Rowlen




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  • IMG_2668
  • IMG_2669
Last edited by John Rowlen
@John Rowlen posted:

Matt,  There are always a few extra seats available on my passenger trains,  The Excursion and Executive trains tend to fill up faster than daily trips.

Sincerely, John Rowlen



Unfortunately, I don’t have your patience nor talent, but your work is very impressive. That being said, I’d love to see your response to the number of residents question on the 2020 Census form  

John - I hope we can find a couple seats in one of the Alaska “dome” cars.  But if it’s Alaska any seat will do. It’s a shame, but over the years I’ve sold all my AKASKA RR cars & engines to concentrate more on local (to me) RR’s. Thanks. Pretty funny line about this year’s census 😁!  I’ve commented b4 about how you have a bigger population, than my hometown here in NH. 

@decoynh posted:

John - I hope we can find a couple seats in one of the Alaska “dome” cars.  But if it’s Alaska any seat will do. It’s a shame, but over the years I’ve sold all my AKASKA RR cars & engines to concentrate more on local (to me) RR’s. Thanks. Pretty funny line about this year’s census 😁!  I’ve commented b4 about how you have a bigger population, than my hometown here in NH. 

John could exceed the population of my home town with one train.  Population-350.  We lived on the hill above town.


I added up the people in my Alaska passenger train and it totals 172 people, counting babies,

The eight cars have the following numbers:  Generator - 0,  Baggage - 6,  Coach #200 - 25,  Coach #202 - 19,  Coach #204 - 21,  Dome Diner - 38,  Dining car - 33,  and Vista Vision Dome - 30.

I have included pictures to show the people counted.  It would probably take two trains to equal the 350 people in your home town.  The Alaska has a low count compared to my other passenger trains because of the Generator Car.  The three Atlas O 12-car California Zephyr and Amtrak Dome Cars really are loaded with people. 

Have a good week.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


Images (23)
  • IMG_2372
  • IMG_2334: Baggage Car
  • IMG_2155: Coach #200
  • IMG_2157: Coach #200
  • IMG_2158: Coach #200
  • IMG_2153: Coach #200
  • IMG_2381: Coach #202
  • IMG_2382: Coach #202
  • IMG_2383: Coach #202
  • IMG_2384: Coach #202
  • IMG_2165: Coach #204
  • IMG_2166: Coach #204
  • IMG_2167: Coach #204
  • IMG_2122: Dome Lower Dining
  • IMG_2125: Dome Lounge
  • IMG_2132: Done Upper Seating
  • IMG_2100: Alaska Dining Car
  • IMG_2101: Alaska additional people in Dining Car
  • IMG_2652: Alaska Vista Vision Camera Dome
  • IMG_2649: Alaska Vista Vision Camera Dome
  • IMG_2650: Alaska Vista Vision Camera Dome
  • IMG_2651: Alaska Vista Vision Camera Dome
  • IMG_2646: Alaska Vista Vision Camera Dome
Last edited by John Rowlen

Brian - I know that those cars have a good home.  It's like being in a train museum. Seeing the pictures once a year brings back great memories.  I'm happy with my local railroads.  Down at the general store today and the Down Easter (AMTRAK) came through on its way to Maine.  Lucky that we live a 1/4 mile from the main line. BYE for now.

Late afternoon I finally received the Tuscan Red gloss scalecoat paint. I had already disassembled my kitbashed baggage for painting. The first coat spraying went well. I will give it 2 days to cure before the final spray. It's gloss may interfere with a fair evaluation in my shop light. But holding up a door to a Ggd car and a Weaver car, it's very close. In the photo, the K-line stock color is on the left, Rusto flat red primer is center, and scalecoat is on the right.IMG_20200901_190129IMG_20200901_190220


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  • IMG_20200901_190129
  • IMG_20200901_190220

After a little deliberation, I decided to sell my MTH Superliner Amtrak 4 car set - just went live on the bay. Bought it a couple of years ago and never took it out of the box - until today. As much as I like the looks of this set, I do not have an engine to pull it and I would rather get other engines BN (green) and SF (Kodak) and a GN passenger set to go along with the GN FT ABA set I picked up. (wall color is light blue gray, not yellow - I'll have to go back to photography school.)  



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  • IMG_2380
Last edited by ScoutingDad

I’ve been busy planning a new layout on SCARM for my new basement. The room is 24’x12’. I’ve done several renderings and have it narrowed down to a couple choices. It’s for sure going to be an “around the room layout” just not sure what plan I’m going to go with. It’ll be my first layout from scratch. Very excited and nervous at the same time!

I’ve been busy planning a new layout on SCARM for my new basement. The room is 24’x12’. I’ve done several renderings and have it narrowed down to a couple choices. It’s for sure going to be an “around the room layout” just not sure what plan I’m going to go with. It’ll be my first layout from scratch. Very excited and nervous at the same time!

Though I have built several layouts, I have struggled with what plan to go with on my latest layout.  I read articles in the magazines that state the builder/owner knew what he wanted from previous layouts, so he went at it.  I have never felt that way I think because space, time, and money constraints make for so many compromises.  If you haven't already, I would suggest posting a separate topic on your layout design in the Track Plans and Layout Design section, and through discussion others can see any flaws in the plans, ask questions, and make comments that will help you narrow it down.  I'll look forward to seeing what you come up with.

@mike g. posted:

Morning everyone, what great work is being done and some really wonderful photos! I see things really haven't changed. Larry still has his Amazing layout, John R. is still painting people! LOL, Paul2 is still finding room to make his layout larger! Mark is well underway with his layout.

But as for me I am in the same boat as Lee, the CEO has come up with another project for me right when I thought it was Train Room time. I did get a chance to get out there this weekend and pulled down my military train to switch out with my freight train. I then realized that the shelfs above the layout where I store my off the layout trains is a bad idea as I have to get up on the layout to swap them out. Something I will have to work on when I get a chance. Here is a photo of my Military train, I didnt get far but it was just nice being in the train room!IMG_20200801_065052209IMG_20200801_065103478

Now I know its not a big deal, but I took my truck to the local Mech. to have it looked at and come to find out he has a speeder. I know almost everyone has a speeder and its not that big of a deal. But this one was handed down to him from his dad who road it on the logging rails here in Mason County. I hope you enjoy this little find!


I hope everyone has a great day and finds time for there layout and trains! Most of all I hope you all have fun!

Wouldn't happen to be Mason County WV, would it?

Morning guys I have got a little done lately but I will post photos later today. Everyone has been doing wonderful work and I miss the time I cant get here. I had to go back 2 pages to get up to speed on what everyone is doing, Wow thats a lot of reading! LOL

John, Rusty is right I live in Mason County Washington.

John R, your cars are turning out amazing as always!

Lee, I thing the box car came out very nice! Dont be to hard on yourself! 

I hope you all have a great Hump day and I will try to check in later today with photos and hopefully a video from my home made camera car!

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