I am starting a new "thread" related to the conversation started & added to by several of us, regarding the 2 unit autoracks that was started by SWAFFORD. I branched the conversation out in mentioning other things needed in O Scale.
The topic replies, also center around new products wanted by other modern modelers & not present in O scale. The autoracks conversation as well as my thread on updates for the 4750 cvd hoppers, can easily be expanded to include many other models, such as centerbeam lumber flat cars,ethanol & crude oil tankers,as well as a general service tanker&a 3281 2 bay cvd sand hopper, which are all great choices missing from O Scale.
Bottom line,what can we really expect to get from O Scale when a rep from Atlas replies,"what you see is what you get."? I realize we can't have every detail that we want,but when making new models,shouldn't the manufacturer do their best to produce the most current model of whatever prototype they're making that model of? Oh,I've encountered that reply of "what you see is what you get",in HO over the years,so it's nothing new,but bothers me to the extent that Atlas isn't as "committed," & I quote here,to O scale as some rep's tell us. So what's ahead for modern O Scale,meaning the 80's forward?
I am building trackwork & am looking at structures now in O Scale,but with the rising costs & a seeming drop in new products as well as a lack of updated present models,use my CSX 4750 as an example,should I be selling more HO or staying in HO & leaving O? Just when I go full speed ahead in O Scale,something comes up that makes me think I'm going the wrong way by staying with O. I'm "leaning into" that part of my decision where I'm needing to sell more of my vintage HO to achieve my goals in O,or leave O.
So what advice would you give me-to stay with O or leave it? I LOVE the size & ease of trackwork,meaning size again,but there's a lot more than size that determines the scale to which a modeler commits to model in.
I'm not trying to "ruffle any feathers," here,that's not my intent at all,I'm meaning overall what can we offer the new modeler especially younger modelers interested in the 80s-2016 era?
O scale should have items not offered in other scales due to our increased size advantage.
I'm glad this question regarding a new product was again brought up. The modelers that want these new products, need to gather together more & press our issues or O will stay largely in the steam-early diesel eras,&when those modelers have passed on,the future of O looks bleak. (Absolutely NO disrespect to steam-early diesel,those are all very wonderful eras of railroading,also).
These are again,just my thoughts,that I ask for myself as well as future modelers considering O scale.
Al Hummel