Ok got part that its a train meet. I see people saying "see you at york."
But who, what, where, when is York?
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Ok got part that its a train meet. I see people saying "see you at york."
But who, what, where, when is York?
Replies sorted oldest to newest
York is a GREAT tasting chocolate peppermint patty!
Give Bluesheepbria a brake, he just joined this group of marrie men and gals. Don
Yeah I did, and it was a big rock. Very, very, heavy.
York is a RR show where members of this forum get all giddy and dance around like little girls. Just an observation.
Give Bluesheepbria a brake, he just joined this group of marrie men and gals. Don
I wouldn't have included the if I was serious.
Ok got part that its a train meet. I see people saying "see you at york."
But who, what, where, when is York?
You already got the correct TCA Part of "Who".
What, arguably the best Train meet on the East Coast.
Where, it's- York, PA
When, Oct 18-20 (second event is in April)
It's like a big semi-annual family reunion of young and old train nutz. There are a lot of Forum internet friends that only see each other twice a year at York.
Hope to see you there! If you want to come you can join there at the meet. Also, check out the York TCA Meet Forum for a lot more info.
"I wouldn't have included the if I was serious.
Oh, I guess I must have just added my little green man. Sorry. Don
Ok got part that its a train meet. I see people saying "see you at york."
But who, what, where, when is York?
Blue sheep
Now that you have been hazed, welcome to the forum. York is the biggest train meet, Period. It occurs in York, Pennsylvania each April and October for three days. There is everything you could need or want in O-Gauge. New product and old product. Member to member sales or a ton of dealers. also the manufacturers are present also MTH, Lionel, Williams, Atlas, etc... there are seven halls most larger than a football field and one hall dedicated to display usually a large modular club is on exhibit
Try it
York is the greatest train show on our planet. Those who know go, and those who don't give excuses (many of them are very lame) and make cute jokes.
I'm not going to York. I have a headache.
It is a nice show just not like it was years ago. But still nice. Find something to bring home everytime. Years ago I always ran out of money,now I always come home with money.
Eddy, Again?
In 1999 I had a broken right foot and broken lumbar bones in my back. I was in a wrap and cast. I went to York. I get sick when people post lame reasons for not going. Yes real reasons do exist and I fully respect them. I know guys with real reasons can not make it everytime. I think in all my years of reading these posts I finally heard the best excuise. Someone (recently) posted he was not going due to the cost of having to pay bathroom attendants. That is right up there with the cost of toll roads and the price of gas. On second thought, that is the number one lamest ever.
One thing you never see stated is someone who can not go because the wife will not let them go. We do have guys among us who are not the Captain of their ship.
Eddie, I know you will be there headache or not. This will be York number 65 ( YES SIXTY FIVE) for me and that does not come close to your number of shows.
What is York?
Harley Davidson has a factory there w/ free (http://www.harley-davidson.com...tory_Tours/york.html) factory tours. ...
Don't worry. I was confused too when I first heard people talking about 'York'.
To me, this is the York that comes first into my mind. And as the NRM is there, it could well have been the 'York' that was being talked about.
Edit: I was so busy concentrating on uploading the details that I clear forgot about the text.
I checked Brian's "joined date" before responding, so I will resist saying much.
Does go to show that the TCA and Eastern Division do a pretty poor job of spreading the word to prospective members. Too bad they don't allow photos that could be published widely in print and online.
quote:Does go to show that the TCA and Eastern Division do a pretty poor job of spreading the word to prospective members.
Gee, he found out all about the York show within about 5-6 weeks of joining the OGRR site. Doesn't seem so bad to me.
Allan, I've never been to York but don't they even have a official photographer for PR work? Don
Allan, I've never been to York but don't they even have a official photographer for PR work? Don
They always had pics of new and unusual items featured in the TCQ following each York meet, so somebody was snapping away.
Allan, I've never been to York but don't they even have a official photographer for PR work? Don
The unusual items are taken outside the halls and a few pics snapped (even heard some dealer offer to let customers do the same)
But no overall photo documentation by TCA. Someone posted a few years back a pic taken in the 60's or 70's from a magazine but that's it so far.
Allan, I've never been to York but don't they even have a official photographer for PR work? Don
They have someone who takes product photos (only) for the TCA Quarterly magazine. That's it. In the time I've been attending, there has been no overt effort made to widely publicize the meet or to use it as a recruitment tool for attracting new members and participants.
Since the York Meet is the most visible of all TCA activities (and possibly the most interesting from the perspective of the general public), it has been an opportunity lost for a very long time.
quote:Does go to show that the TCA and Eastern Division do a pretty poor job of spreading the word to prospective members.
Gee, he found out all about the York show within about 5-6 weeks of joining the OGRR site. Doesn't seem so bad to me.
You're kidding, right? If the TCA was doing its job (along with the Eastern Div.), he would have known at least something about the York Meet long before he discovered a forum for O gauge railroading.
Allan, they should do a video and put it on YouTube. Don
In 1999 I had a broken right foot and broken lumbar bones in my back. I was in a wrap and cast. I went to York. I get sick when people post lame reasons for not going. Yes real reasons do exist and I fully respect them. I know guys with real reasons can not make it everytime. I think in all my years of reading these posts I finally heard the best excuise. Someone (recently) posted he was not going due to the cost of having to pay bathroom attendants. That is right up there with the cost of toll roads and the price of gas. On second thought, that is the number one lamest ever.
One thing you never see stated is someone who can not go because the wife will not let them go. We do have guys among us who are not the Captain of their ship.
Eddie, I know you will be there headache or not. This will be York number 65 ( YES SIXTY FIVE) for me and that does not come close to your number of shows.
My "excuse" - I don't go because I don't want to. I only live an hour away from the big Springfield show, and I don't go to that either. Truth is, toy trains were never important enough to me that I'd go out of my way to go to a show.
I found out about it by seeing photos of it in Ron Hollander's book "All Aboard" which I bought in NY Penn Station in 1985.
TCA should encourage every hobby shop in the country to post a small display, with membership applications, near the counter.
Hey Marty Fitzhenry, I have to tell you, so you've been going to the York TCA experience since you were 1 yr.old?! I've seen you in-person, and you don't even look as old as that! Man, you must know how to live well and take care of yourself. My compliments to ya' . Trains and York meets must do you a lotta good.
Frank M.
Allan, I've never been to York but don't they even have a official photographer for PR work? Don
Don: I sent that suggestion to Debbie Geiser, York registrar, in a TTML post in May 2011, but never heard back. I think she reads this Forum, too.
And why do we go to York TCA meet twice a year? Because they only have it twice a year!
And, yes, Moonson, Marty does look a lot younger than he is. He worked hard his whole life, but always made sure he balanced work with fun/trains.
What is York? It's the greatest train show I have ever been to. York is something you dream and talk about from one show until the next one. York is a place were I had trouble falling asleep because I was so excited to be there with my friends. Non stop laughter and fun for two days. York is a place where I spent some of the happiest days of my life. It's a place were the clock seems to run faster. It's a place were I always ran out of money.
Hey Jimmy, here's one for you.....
York is to train shows, what Jim's Train Shop was to train shops!
Far and away, THE BEST!
I get sick when people post lame reasons for not going.
So if you are in this hobby but don't go to York, you're "less than?"
Not at all Harry. Everyone has a reason for doing or not doing something. People who want to publish why they do not go to York for all sorts of crazy reasons gets tiresome to read. As some know, the aisles at the York show are very crowded. Less people would be good for me.
York has become a huge social event for most of us that go. My layout is finished (yes it does happen) and I concentrate on engines I have missed in the past. I get to be with friends from all over the world and have fun.
Frank, thank you. I worked two jobs my whole life and got my education. Now that I am retired I live the life I hoped to if I was still above ground.
I didn't find out about York till I joined the Forum. I wanted to go to Thursday at Fridays just to meet the Fourm members.( Man I need to get some friends.)
Jim D.
Jim, stop by Fridays and I will buy you a beer.
Thursday at Fridays is a great tradition. I'm sewing shirts almost every night for fellow Forumites who want train shirts to wear Thursday at Fridays. Chris Lonero and Gerry Morlitz were there last spring in shirts I made them, and I have made more since, with orders still to fill. Think I'd get in trouble if I called them "Thursday at Friday Shirts"?
Chris Lonero and Gerry Morlitz
Lol. Well, the original poster will never find this thread now that it's been moved. If he'd known there was a special forum for York he'd have already known all about it.
The post sharing the analogy about Jim's shop had it right. For sure. "Bye bye, now! bye,bye" I think he meant Buy! Buy!
In 1999 I had a broken right foot and broken lumbar bones in my back. I was in a wrap and cast. I went to York. I get sick when people post lame reasons for not going. Yes real reasons do exist and I fully respect them. I know guys with real reasons can not make it everytime. I think in all my years of reading these posts I finally heard the best excuise. Someone (recently) posted he was not going due to the cost of having to pay bathroom attendants. That is right up there with the cost of toll roads and the price of gas. On second thought, that is the number one lamest ever.
One thing you never see stated is someone who can not go because the wife will not let them go. We do have guys among us who are not the Captain of their ship.
Eddie, I know you will be there headache or not. This will be York number 65 ( YES SIXTY FIVE) for me and that does not come close to your number of shows.
Marty...can you direct us to the post of the guy who said he wasn't going to York because of "having to pay the bathroom attendants." ???? I completely missed that. Thanks.
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