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I haven't posted anything in a long time. I haven't been involved much with trains or the hobby outside of running a coal drag a few times around the outdoor shelf layout. Last year, I restored a lamp post that was in desperate need of repair. I converted it to a railroad theme using an old RR kerosene lamp that someone electrified. I installed a solar flame bulb and lightly frosted the glass to soften the flame. I had a steam locomotive silhouette that I used as one half of a weathervane on the top. A friend gave me a diesel silhouette and I asked if he could get another one. While waiting, I decided to use the one I had as a stencil to make my own back-to-back silhouette using a 1/4" thick piece of composite decking, eliminating the company logo. This is my current progress.DSCN8752DSCN8753DSCN8754DSCN8755DSCN8756DSCN8759DSCN8761DSCN8762


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Thanks Coach Joe and Phil.

Phil, the post is mostly from a wood porch post. The base and top are composite decking to help deter water damage. All are painted with exterior water base paint, except for metal parts. They are coated with black satin enamel. The etched lettering, done with a router, is also painted with the same satin enamel. I did some touch up this morning, and when dry, I'll run the belt sander over the surface for a final finish. Since the sign boards are composite, I don't think a protective coating is necessary.

I'm currently working on this Legacy B-Unit. I had an extra Santa Fe plated #22A shell and picked up one of the infamous easter egg blue NYO&W 6-85204 F3B powered with sounds/smoke. I also have tank, side frames, frame and ladders in silver. May or may not swap frame to silver.



Update to my previous post. The Santa Fe b-unit swap is finished! I used the guts from a 6-85204 NYO&W B unit and the 6-85189 shell I bought from Lionel. Everything went great except a wire pulled loose from one of the switches and had to resolder.

The original Lionel 6-85189 b-unit is hard to find and expensive when you do. Trainz has one listed for over $900 with shipping right now! All in I spent about $400 to make this one.


I noticed on the NYO&W B unit the smoke stacks are glued on upside down and all the end ladders were backwards. They were also backwards on my Santa Fe's which I corrected. You may want to check yours if you have this F3 run from 2017. They should line up with the handrails on the corners of the body.


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Last edited by SuperChiefer84

I did some add ons to my new RK /WM ps3 Pacific after digging through my engine ' boneyard ' .

WHEN NEWLY PURCHASED........Screenshot_20241109-205619

AFTER THE ' BONEYARD '  EXCURSION..........finally a backup light  , doghouse and up and over ladder.


Still have to lookon the internet to find some rear lanterns and the proper marker lights wired  with the connector for the MTH tender board .

Since the ps2 and ps3 boards in the tenders have the open wired connectors already present , I'll have to find about about five more lantern pairs and wired red markers to connect to them on some of my other steamers..........🤔...just when I couldn't think of what else to do in the layout room.

God Speed all.


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