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Originally Posted by breezinup:
Originally Posted by DPC:

I got my first train set at 10 and I can assure you if it had been that one I'd have noticed. I'm glad you mentioned farm animals in your analogy cause I may be an old goat but that's one ugly duckling.

When it comes to getting fired for designing something ugly that engine can only be described as "pushing the envelope"


Well, maybe you would have, maybe not. In any case, 10 is 5th grade - pretty late to be getting a first train. Besides, you guys aren't with it. High is hot.


Now if you can get the tires in the top picture on that engine it'll look more in it's element.
The one decal they left off that engine that you see on the beds of alot of pick up trucks is 4X4
I know beauty is only skin deep but ugly is to the bone. That engine is definitely " To the bone"


I want to believe:"Anything that isn't full 1/4" =1' scale will never see the light of day on my layout".It's just not the case as I still have an affinity for postwar Lionel and Marx.They occasionally see action on my mainline.One Christmas I loaded up the layout and ran nothing but Postwar just for fun.My good ol' 681 Turbine can still run and run and run!



IMHO The "Wurst" was the K-Line "Husky" line - ugliest line of trains I ever saw.

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