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In Pennsy Power byAlvin F. Stauffer, page 229 shows an S1 on the point of #70, The Admiral. I can see 2 heavyweight baggage cars, a combine, and six other passenger cars. Two appear to be streamlined, the other 4 also heavyweights. The streamlined cars look like they might be in the Fleet of Moderism scheme. Stauffer makes the point that "For an engine that had basked in the limelight, her road records were unusually secretive. The Big engine was scrapped on her 10th birthday."

Originally Posted by Hot Water:

The staybolts hold the components of the firebox into the boiler. There are literally thousands of staybolts which also maintain the water space between the boiler and the firebox. Every broken staybolt causes an internal water/steam leak into the firebox and fire. 

now the sucks...If Prr had so much troubles in those bolts with there steamers,why didnt they find another company that makes them?..another question..i saw a painting of the S1 with the wings on the front top head of the engine like the streamline K4's have..Did the S1 ever had it?

Originally Posted by joseywales:
Originally Posted by Hot Water:

The staybolts hold the components of the firebox into the boiler. There are literally thousands of staybolts which also maintain the water space between the boiler and the firebox. Every broken staybolt causes an internal water/steam leak into the firebox and fire. 

If Prr had so much troubles in those bolts with there steamers,why didnt they find another company that makes them?

The problem was NOT the staybolts, but the HUGE boiler pressure drops when the throttle was opened to start a train. No other steam locomotive on the PRR experienced the massive quantity of bolt breakage as what occurred on that one single steam locomotive! Besides, the PRR made their own bolts & rivets in their own shops.

Hot Water, are you sure you don't have the S1 duplex confused with the S2 turbine?  Staybolts were a big problem in the S2 due to the pressure drop you describe when steam was admitted to the big forward turbine.  I don't believe the S1 suffered from the same issue.  It had plenty of its own.

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