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The last I heard ( from RYPN) was that some morons stole a significant amount of rail from the mainline. Riding that line years ago with my kids was a highlight of our vacation and we took the RDC to the zoo. I know that they repaired the bridge that prevented them from entering downtown Cape May some time ago. My dream world has a vision of that PRR steam loco now up in Strasburg under restoration running there. I wish I could tell you more, but I know that unless the rails were replaced by the volunteers, the line was severed. I have yet to see an update.



I can't verify this, but I heard that much of the track had been condemned due to poor tie condition.

That would be the line from Cape May Jct to Cape May Point. It's been disconnected from the national system some time and has two grade crossings paved over. Someday there may be an excursion on speeders there but no plans have been set yet.

But their website hasn't been updated since 2012

The CMSL took down the National Train Day/Mothers Day excursion right after it ran. The primary site for the info was advertised as: The best place for current CMSL info is facebook:

I have heard the engines signalling for grade...I think it is their F unit.

The two URHS owned F-7's are out of service with minor mechanical issues. The URHS owned GP-7 #1523 and the URHS owned GP-9u #7000 are both maintained in operable condition. Just these two units alone incur several thousand dollars each to be operable AND meet 90 day operation inspections. Returning to service the two F-7's is an extra cost that has no supporting income stream at present.

...the line [to Cape May] was severed. I have yet to see an update...

The first round of court cases [spike & tie plate theft] have concluded but there is still the longer wait of civil court restitution. When Tony M was at the URHS meeting prior to the NTD/MD trip he had no comment on this. Many ties will have to be replaced too.


It's likely some more CMSL trips might occur. Both sides (URHS/CMSL) have expressed strong interest. There have been some on 'the slow information train' that have heard of the trip after it ran and are hoping for another too.


Mike O'Toole

webmaster for:

United Railroad Historical Society of New Jersey, Inc.,

Volunteer Railroaders Association Inc.

Jersey Central Chapter of the NRHS

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