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Every once in a while I tend to go through stuff, I have always liked putting future loco projects in shoe boxes, it helps to have big feet I guess.  Anyway, some boxes are been used for a few locos over time and some have been sitting way too long.  I tend to take inventory and pick up a few parts here and there and pair things together until they find their way onto the workbench.  Interestingly, I think all of these have good drivers either from me doing some earlier work or them just showing up in usable condition.  So at this point it is mostly about them getting time on the bench and a few more small parts here and there.  Steamerdave still gives a hard time lol.  SO a pile of shoe boxes and a junkyard full of projects.



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Original Post

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Dennis. You said: "a pile of shoe boxes and a junkyard full of projects." Sounds just like we would all expect from you.

Dave/Steamer is a good guy.

Keep up the work on those projects. Some of those locos look too clean, by the way!


PS-if you have size 13 feet like me, you can fit in more parts.

Last edited by PRR8976
@CPC posted:

Can anyone tell me what locomotive is in the third picture from the top on Dennis' first post?



A very customized 264/265E. At least 2 have been grafted together and there may be some additional sheet metal added. Curious to see what kind of custom mechanism will be built to stick under this beast. Perhaps just a berkshire chassis.

@CPC posted:

Can anyone tell me what locomotive is in the third picture from the top on Dennis' first post?



High Charlie, it was made out of two 265E boilers and two 265 tender shells. Welded at the seam added boiler bands and massaged the skirt. Cab is stock MTH repro. Tender trucks are Walthers commonwealth sideframes with tinplate wheels snd a custom box coupler arm. Also made some stretched 600 pullmansD1BA35A6-5A3A-43C5-93A3-637AC736765DDF73DF83-B8F2-474C-A1DB-670841668DD0F2C96846-675B-497F-96A0-9500D6D2913F9ACF3A22-66F5-4B41-8599-7B1A3BDD138576DB192B-583E-43AD-B99E-86D37EBB3ABAEA5A2F2A-CC1F-4694-B0F6-21364C2B97E2955CC623-BA39-4302-BF0F-915E39622EDFE2437BAC-1467-468B-A6B5-3964F461D0E4 about 15  “ long for it. Motor was going to be a custom sideframe but stock spur motor. Another potential motor option might be cutting up an old scale chassis. Been sitting for a while as I get distracted.


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Wow I like that Blue one.


this is my latest, not done but close I only have to go back over and fix all the scratches I made putting it back together. This was my most challenging, nothing went right on this restomod. I must have put it together and taken it apart ten times. Wheels wobbled, the drive gear striped, I set the wheels and forgot to paint one side, the piston gear link pin fell out when I was test driving and I could find it, the pickup roller wire had a bare wire and shorted out to the frame, wired the Led lights backwards, I lost the screws for the oiler shell, the sand dome tabs broke off after I polished and tried to bend them over when installing, the sand pipes ends snapped off when I tried to reinstall. It was so bad I was ready to take it to a priest and have the demon exercise from it. Well it’s not done but I am. Maybe next month I’ll go back fix all the scratches, glue overruns and install the cattle guard.

good night all


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