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judging by the other news of the day, I'd guess late 1930's.
Reading some of the visible text you can see it was January 18th and it was a Monday. From other parts of the paper it had to have been during WWII (note the bottom right of the third post - "until the war's blackout on weather forecasting ends." A quick check of years during WWII with January 18th as a Monday would make it January 18th 1943
jan, 19th, 1942
Nope, too young.
I had spotted the weather bit too, but never knew there were weather forecast blackouts during WW-II.
Sounds like Mr Cooper was pretty good at "guessing"
from my grandparents house, / uncle, I also have the complete paper , when japan attacked, it's tied up still. grandparents think that my grandfather saved it,,as an x navy man. I have looked at it, but didn't un tie it, one of these days,