I look at a lot of big box stores and they don’t have the credit card on the front page of their website, WHY; we already know that they use credit cards. They have their advertisement to get you to go to the product that you want to purchase. I looked at the small train store websites also and they do not have the credit card on their front web page.
Now for the small retail store they are doing the same and when you chose to buy an item when you will go to the site that will tell you if they have their website set up for credit card orders or not. If you are a small box store and have credit cards in the store they have a cost to do business. A good website that does use their website to collect your information in a secured website and you see the web lock on the lower right corner, this is a large cost for this small box store. You will have to sell a great deal of product to pay for this feature.
Yes you will say they should have this feature on their website. Well you start a small business and pay for this cost. People are looking for the cheeps item on the internet and they move on to the next cheeps item they are after. A small business can’t afford that cost and be competitive with the larger volume store.
You key in on competitive price with other stores. I read on this site the answers of some and they could care less if a business wines or fails all they want is the lowest price and that is all. That is your chose but remember as the time goes on you will not have all the stores that you take your product for repair or service anymore. You all have read and seen on this website the store that have gone out of business and we ask why.
Ho, they do not have a credit card for me to use on the website. Well you can still use your phone to call them and get you product you want by phone and give them your credit card and have them ship this item to you.
At this date we have not totally gone 100% to the credit system that we buy and sell with credits only.
Until this comes to be the future of 100% credits there are some who will still have to use their check book or cash to buy an item.
Remember I’m not pointing fingers at any one but letting you look at the other side of this story.