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since this Wednesday morning  whenever I click on saved link when it loads immediately the current ogr magazine pages start flipping page to page!


have I just never noticed it doing that before or is there an issue with win 10 and edge browser with the Hoopla/ogr forum website?


thanks for clarity on this issue.

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FWIW The Edge browser might be good except for one little bitty problem. All those IE folks are using it. That's the little problem. Now for the BIG problem. After most of us experienced the loss of our virginity working with XP Office. What does Windows 10 hold hold in reserve for those cold winter nights? IMHO I learned years ago that Microsoft put a whole new meaning to the words, "HARD-DRIVE".                                                                                                                                              

webmaster... seems I'm half right win 10 edge browser pages flip! But firefox browser they remain still. will assume seeing I used firefox on computer verses IE explorer that a pluggin is missing from firefox?


so using edge browser is why I thought something strange going on here. no biggie but at least I can stop thinking I had a senior moment LOL

After most of us experienced the loss of our virginity working with XP Office. What does Windows 10 hold hold in reserve for those cold winter nights?


If you are asking whether older levels of Microsoft Office will work with Windows 10, my answer is "doubtful".

When I purchased my Windows 8 laptop, I ended up purchasing a new version of Microsoft Office because backlevel versions would not install / run. Had I to do it over, I would go with Open Office.

I doubt that Microsoft fixed Windows 10 to run old software.


I'd like to know what folks think of Microsoft Edge.

I am in no hurry for my free upgrade to Windows 10. I am now comfortable with Windows 8.1, and have not read about any features in Windows 10 that are particularly attractive to me.

Originally Posted by C W Burfle:


If you are asking whether older levels of Microsoft Office will work with Windows 10, my answer is "doubtful".

When I purchased my Windows 8 laptop, I ended up purchasing a new version of Microsoft Office because backlevel versions would not install / run. Had I to do it over, I would go with Open Office.

I doubt that Microsoft fixed Windows 10 to run old software.


I'd like to know what folks think of Microsoft Edge.

I am in no hurry for my free upgrade to Windows 10. I am now comfortable with Windows 8.1, and have not read about any features in Windows 10 that are particularly attractive to me.

I have installed Win 10 on 2 computers and the 3rd is waiting. So far I miss Win 7, but I guess we will be forced to go to 10 sooner or later so I am adjusting. It was also free and since we have 3 computers that saved some pretty good $$$ there. Probably enough for a nice new RK scale diesel or a few more switches for the layout.  


Edge is definitely different and so far I don't think it's better. I was used to IE and knew where everything was and how it worked, one of my reasons for never switching to something else. Edge is quite different and I miss IE 11, but I am trying to adjust here as well.


As far as MS Office, I have Office 2007 and so far it works just fine with Win 10. I have only used Word and Excel so far, haven't tried Access or any of the other included apps yet. I see no reason why they would not work, just like Word and Excel has?


Win 10 may be a little faster? We upgraded two computers last year, they had Win 7 on an SSD. They were pretty fast already with that setup. The third PC that is waiting for the update to 10 is an older one with mechanical SATA hard drive and it has a ton of junk on it from years of use. The speed up may be noticeable on that one when it finally upgrades? On the other two machines with SSD's, I really can't say the speed increase was all that great?


As far as MS Office, I have Office 2007 and so far it works just fine with Win 10. I have only used Word and Excel so far, haven't tried Access or any of the other included apps yet. I see no reason why they would not work, just like Word and Excel has?


Yes, I forgot that we put Office 2007 on my son's Windows 8 laptop.

I tried to put Office 2003 on my Windows 8 laptop, and it would not install.

So I purchased Office 2010 for mine.


I am going to take the free upgrade to Windows 10. I just haven't decided when to do it.

Office 2003 is running fine on my desktop which I recently upgraded from 8.1 to Windows 10.


Hopefully future upgrades will not destroy this functionality. It seems that Windows upgrades occasionally cause more problems than they solve. I'm currently dealing with the "won't connect to Windows client" error. From what I've read the fix involves editing the registry, something I'd rather not fool with. I can still connect to Outlook through Firefox, so that's the browser I usually use.


Previous upgrades (Windows 8 and 8.1) caused me to lose my internet connection, so I'd have to restore my system to an earlier date.


My next computer will not have a Microsoft operating (sometimes) system


Originally Posted by Trainfun:
...It seems that Windows upgrades occasionally cause more problems than they solve...

ROTFL!  Now there is a classic "under statement" if I ever heard one.  I have NEVER done a Windoze "upgrade" without suffering some kind of problem.

This is another reason why we use the FREE OPEN OFFICE SUITE instead of the bloated Microsoft Office group of programs. Open Office has ALWAYS continued to work, even after a Windoze "upgrade."

Originally Posted by PRR1950:



From what I've read, you should still be able to run IE 11 within Windows 10.



Thanks, but I imagine they will stop supporting IE sometime, now that they have the new browser so I might as well get used to it or find something else and get used to that. Why they have to move everything around and rename it all for an upgrade is beyond me? At least we don't have to pay $$$ to be tortured with their new OS this time like we have in the past.

I have heard people disparaging IE for years but have never had any major problems with it. This new Edge browser has consistent problems and loads pages slower than IE. Sometimes it will just close on its own for no reason.  I was very happy with Windows 7 but since they are going to stop supporting IE and the upgrade to 10 was free I decided to go for it. I have been regretting it ever since. I now know why they are giving it away for free. If I had paid actual money for this pos I would really be ticked off. They should have pushed the release back and spent more time on getting it ready for consumers.

I will never understand why someone would take a computer that is working perfectly fine and "upgrade" it with a new and unproven operating system. On my computer at home, I still run Windoze XP! Why? Because it WORKS! All the time, without fail. If it ain't broke, I'm not going to "fix" it. When I finally get to the point where one of my programs won't run under XP, then I'll move to Win 7.


I don't care one bit that Microsoft no longer "supports" Windoze XP. It works and that's all I care about. "Microsoft support" is an oxymoron anyway.


If this new "Edge" browser doesn't work right (gee, there's a surprise) I have one word for you - FIREFOX.

Rich..  how do you keep the XP running without support for the not so nice folks wanting to do harm?


reason I ask I still have a hard drive with XP loaded and fully updated to the last supported download from Microsoft.


I still think they should have added only the new things to XP it flat works was a proven work horse vista stank win 7 is ok and win 9-10 well lets just say I use my mac way more now!  and no a mac needs not be hung up with anything Microsoft to mess up a good thing.

Rich..  how do you keep the XP running without support for the not so nice folks wanting to do harm?


IMHO, as long as one has a good Antivirus package that supports XP, and practices basic internet safety, running Windows XP isn't particularly hazardous. However, when it comes time to purchase new hardware, and/or new software, Windows XP may not support it.
I expect that over time, antivirus companies will stop supporting XP.


The issue I see is that my Windows XP desktop is getting slower and slower. I think its due to the antivirus program having a heavier and heavier foot print. I still use the machine on occasion.


I do most of my work on a Windows 8 laptop (now 8.1).  I purchased it right after I retired, when I was still considering returning to the workforce. I figured that if I had to learn a new environment, it might as well be the most current.

As I posted earlier, I plan to go to Windows 10 while it's still free, but I'd like to wait for the early adopters to report the bugs first. Maybe fixes will be put out for the more serious ones.

C W Burfle... stay far away from win 10 wait until 1 year free is close as this thing is riddled with bugs I already reloaded windows 7 far superior right now.

 new browser loades websites that have a lot of adds etc slower than normal and to cure the choppy scrolling I had to set it to scrool 6 lines.


most wifi adapters have to have drivers manually loaded as most incompatible yet will work if you load driver manually.


the power management for monitor/computer to turn off isnt working. for a real look at issues go to microsoft community forums its full of unhappy folks right now.


I can see why its free as you get what you pay for!!  only my opinion others are having better luck and most are coming from 2 year old machines and 64 bit seems more issues with 32 bit pc's.

Last edited by StPaul

Win 7 was my favorite so far by a long shot. Fastest and best working version I have ever had. Skipped all the Win 8 versions. Win 10 is fine here as far as everything working. The Edge browser leaves a LOT to be desired. The menus and Win screens in 10 are pretty ugly too, but I have had no operating problems with the Win 10 itself. Have it on 2 computers, both home built and a little over a year old, we upgraded last year. My older PC is still awaiting the Win 10 update. Applied for it, but they haven't said it's ready yet. That PC is probably 5 years old, maybe a little more? I am suspecting they may have detected some compatibility problems because the other two PC's had the Win 10 updates ready to install as soon as I applied for them.


The only reason I went to 10 is because it was free. Didn't want to have Win 7 end up no longer supported and have to PAY for 3 more copies of Windows. After seeing 10, I suspect many large corporate users will stay with 7 and it's expiration may be extended like XP was? Don't know if they get a free upgrade to 10 or not, but they could also be wanting to take advantage of that if it is free. Costs some of them a TON of money to upgrade entire companies.

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