"Loss leaders are typically products that are tried and true, and/or don’t require much capital investment. In order for MTH to have a remote they would need to spend a significant amount up front to even “have” the product to sell alongside their other wares."
Why would MTH need to invest additional capital to continue producing what already works? The existing DCS remote is, in my opinion, tried and true; it has now been around for decades, and MTH surely has recouped their capital investment on it by now. Sure, it has the weak link of the thumbwheel cradle, but it can be repaired. I think most people here would agree that the current design works very well, and if you're careful with it, it can last a long time.
Even if the issue is the 900-megahertz transmitter/receiver, I find it hard to believe that there isn't something else on the market that would work just as well, even if it meant retrofitting existing units with the new components.
Back in the day, there was, no doubt, a fair amount of capital investment and R&D that went into the production of Lionel's E-Unit and look how long it lasted. For decades, its basic design was unchanged because it worked.