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I fired these baby's up after a summer hiatus....all I can say is wow!

I spend between $179 (Scale GG1's and $225 E7) for these and I dare say all 3 run better than my Lionel TMCC F3 in conventional mode.

Now, I would like to run that Lionel F3 in TMCC, but I cannot locate Lionel Control systems anywhere!

I have the new Lionel system on pre-order, for my 2 pre-ordered Neil Young Signature Series sets...but I must say, that is a bad way for Lionel to do business.

How can you sell command and control trains, if you only have command controllers available once every few years?

I do not recall ever having issues finding MTH DCS systems.

IMHO, if Lionel doesnt want my money, maybe it is time to just cancel those pre-orders and just stick with MTH?

Not trolling....just frustrated in that you cannot even buy the controllers for Lionel command and control trains.

Kind of like you cannot locate gasoline to put in your car except moonshine.

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