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Finally in my forever home and want to put up a shelf for about 80 ft. of track for 2 pre-war and 1 post-war Lionel locomotives.   What brand track do you recommend and what for a transformer?  The one set will celebrate its 79th birthday on Christmas, got it when I was 4 months old.  All have been cleaned up, etc. by a professional so should all work perfectly.  Thanks for your help...remember I am as old as the engine so make it simple.

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   I just completed the construction of a shelf ceiling type layout in my new home's Train Room.  I used FasTrack with 072 curves, take a look at the Bracket Thread I started, and the advise I was given and the engineering we completed to build the layout.  Mine is set up to be both DCS and Legacy Controlled, along with Conventional of course. 



I think I would have to agree with Dave. Fiddling with track pins and on shelf wouldn't be much fun, so the molded type, like FasTrack would minimize the time.

Connecting the power to the track is a little different than the old O with lock-ons.

I would try one track power feed point. If the trains need a some feeds, then add them.

You can a pair of 12 gauge wires around the top of the shelf against the wall and still have only one pair from the transformer.

Using crimp-on tap splices makes connecting the power drops easy. A set of slip-jaw pliers and wire - your good to go.

Use 16 gauge for the feed wires from the bus.

You should have a ZW or a transformer that has an output of 8-10 amps to run the Pulmor motors.

You may be spry and in good shape - but enlisting the assistance and a younger person is a safer way to go. Working on a step stool or ladder just introduces the chance for a slip and fall. heck, I avoid those situations myself, when I can.

We're here to help you anyway that we can. Just keep asking.

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