Hello all ,
Currently I have my post-war Lionel switches being activated by Lionel SC1 and SC2 switch controllers. I am using a variable voltage plug for switch voltage at around 16 volts. The the three wires go from the SC1 and SC2 directly to the switch straight ,curved and ground.
I am now adding MTH AIU 's to control the SAME switches which are currently controlled by SC1 and SC2 so I can run Lionel and MTH at DIFFERENT times. My question is, instead of wiring the AIU directly to the switches why can't I just wire them directly to the SC1 and SC2 controllers seeing how thier wires goe directly to the switches anyhow?
Also, I am using single strand wire like the kind that is used to wire security systems. Is this good enough wire to use?
Much thanks for your imput, jerry