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My old design had a 3 main track layout which I eventually decided was too much and too crowded.  So, I had it re-designed to a 2 main track layout with a few other changes.  One main change is there is only 1 cut track piece now vs 26 before.  With the re-design, awaiting for replacement track and switches based on the new design and some health issues, I’ve still not started the layout.  I recently had surgery for a detached elbow tendon (tennis elbow) and hope to start back-up by years end.    
The new design maintains the inner peninsula loop, the 3 yard tracks on the north side and the refinery/terminal area on the south side.  I added a behind the wall siding along the west wall and an elevated trolley line (dark blue) that leads to a passenger station on the east wall.  My power inventory is:  1 ZW-L; 1 Lionel 36 watt transformer; a 1 watt power pack for the TIU; 1-30 watt 5 amp DC transformer for LED lighting for buildings.  My questions are:
1. Overall, how do I best use the ZW-L and the 36 watt transformer to power track, sidings/spurs, switches & trolley line ? 
2. My thought was to use 2 of the handles on the ZW-L for the 2 main lines.
3. Use a third handle for the sidings/spurs.
4. Use the fourth handle for the trolley line. 
5. The 36 watt transformer would power the switches.  
6. Another concern is how best to wire the inner main line that branches off to the peninsula loop, thus acting as a reverse loop as well ?  Can that be wired as part of the inner main or should it be separate ? 
I’m attaching a copy of the new layout and would greatly appreciate a review and advice on my wiring issues.  Appreciate your time and hope to hear from some of you soon. 
Mike Miller     


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