So I started my scenery and posted some lights on the scenery forum post.
Today I got the bright idea to light up more stuff. I want it to look better if the overhead lights are turned off. Anyways I have so much stuff that I ordered laying around and never did anything with it. So I got the idea I could make my own lights, again. These SMDs were ordered for my engine shed but I didn't like the bluish light they gave off. I probably won't like them here either!
So a quick test with my battery rig:
Took me all day to make 1 light! I couldn't fish the planned #26 wire down the holes so I ended up with magnet wire after many other tries of re-soldering and drilling.
I only have a positive lead so there goes my regular idea of wiring them in series (and groups) right off my transformer. So I have some mini boards that I bought for the inside of passenger cars. They were too small and blew up from the high track voltage on my G scale stuff. I may as well use them here I thought. After soldering one on I realized that someone could flip the direction switch on my transformer and that might do the board some damage? So I unsoldered the boards leads and added a bridge rectifier to fix that issue. I then dialed down the board to output 3 volts for these SMDs wired in parallel. I don't know how many leds this board can drive so I'll just put one on every light for now. Especially if I can only produce one light per day!
I really hate to do small electrical stuff like this but I find it interesting. If I could only keep stuff in my memory for the next time I resume production. I'd like about 20 lights so maybe by next year?
I originally wanted this look: