Roundhouse Bill posted:Rusty, my contact at Lionel is watching this conversation. I am not going to either.
Writing here is the current solution. Many people follow topics here but don't write. Please people give us your thoughts.
As I mentioned earlier, I have no problem with plastic steam. It's a heck of a lot easier to modify a plastic locomotive than die-cast, if so desired. I'm just unsure about the rest of the market.
I wonder how many folks looking at the Flyer display at York had the idea of plastic steam floated by them? If the subject wasn't brought up, then it was a missed opportunity.
The problem with doing market research here on the S Forum is it's such a narrow view of the total S market. There may be enough for valuable marketing information for O on the 3-rail side, but for S, the handful that posts here probably represent 1% or less of the total amount of people in S. This is why Lionel needs to get out and walk among us where we congregate.