I'm sorry but some of you start from a faulty premise, and this is where it is different from some of the for-profit shows previously mentioned. The function of the York Meet is NOT to maximize profit, it is to serve as a Meet for TCA members. It is a function of the Eastern Division of the TCA. I don't know why some of the gentlemen on this forum have a hard time grasping this concept. It is rehashed over and over and over again, every six months like clockwork.
I think the Eastern Division and the TCA have embraced whatever makes sense (TO THEIR MEMBERS) to make their Meet a success. IF the Meet shrinks in size, so be it, as that Meet serves the needs of its members.
Member halls will NEVER be open to the general public, as most Eastern Division members do NOT want this to happen. There are several reasons for this. Among them is the taxation issue, but this is not the only issue.
Dealer halls are open to the public. I think this is a great idea. If there is enough extra revenue to entice the dealers to continue to come to Meet, I think this is a win - win, as this is advantageous to the membership as well.
Regarding TCA membership, this is a members only Meet. If you want to attend (go to the member halls) you must be a TCA member. Again, I don't understand why this is a difficult concept to understand. The ability to be a one-time guest at the meet, is also a great idea. One can be the guest of a TCA member, or of the TCA itself. The TCA reports that there were 60 new members joining the organization at the October 2018 meet. New members can join with a trial membership or a regular membership.
Personally, I think TCA's idea of allowing folks to be one-time guests of the TCA itself is a great idea. I had always wanted to go to York, but being more of a scale model train operator than a collector of toy trains, had never joined the TCA. I had so much fun at the Meet this past Thursday, that I have joined the TCA.
As a new member of the TCA's Eastern Division, kudos to the Eastern Division for putting on such a fun event!