Flyer is on the Lionel video at about the 18:15 minuet mark.
The new Texas Pa's are displayed along with a 2-8-8-2 and an unpainted SD70Ace. There is also an unpainted cylindrical hopper as well minus the trucks. A question is asked at the end of the video about the defender set and it would appear that the presenters from Lionel do not know the status of the set.
I have not had an opportunity to watch the MTH one yet to see if there is any mention of S.
There are also pictures of the 2-8-8-2 and other items displayed at York here. The painted up SD70ACe looks really nice to me. The 2-8-8-2 looks awesome to me, but I would admit I am not that knowledgeable on the Y type steam engines. I am excited to get my Santa Fe 2-8-8-2 now!!!