Here it is if anyone cares but you know it will change before then...
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It is supposed to be sunny on Monday and Tuesday with partly cloudy conditions on Wednesday, which should be great for the parking lot show at the Wyndham Gardens.
Hopefully it is like by me in that when they say rain for a few days, it arrives early and gets out of the way quickly.
To bad the show wasn't held this week. Mid 70's and sunny but I've seen worse weather at York in Oct than what Marty posted. Have fun everyone.
I won't melt if it rains a little.
A little pre-season snow would be nice to put folks in the appropriate mood. Heck, it has been like summer here in eastern Ohio for far too long (my opinion only, of course), and with a "winter of discontent" about to descend on us due to supply line challenges related to just about every product one can imagine, a bit of pre-Christmas kick-in-the-butt might help to spur sales of trains at York and elsewhere.
@MartyE posted:Here it is if anyone cares but you know it will change before then...
THU 10/21
68° /47°
Mostly cloudy, rain possible
rain 35%
FRI 10/22
66° /42°
A couple of showers possible
rain 30%
SAT 10/2362° /41°
Decreasing clouds
rain 8%
Just checked the Weather Channel forecast for York week. Supposed to be partly cloudy Wednesday through Saturday. Temperatures during the day will be in the low 70s Wednesday and Thursday, high 60s on Friday, and low 60s on Saturday. There is no mention of rain any of those days. Here's hoping their forecast is accurate.
The chance of rain is a function of how far your car is parked from the hall and the value and size of the item that you need to carry to it.
For some reason the TV weather people don't discuss the fact that a forecast over 48 hours in the future has a greater than 50% chance of being incorrect.
Per George Carlin, I am predicting the Thursday night weather: DARK.
@Mallard4468 posted:The chance of rain is a function of how far your car is parked from the hall and the value and size of the item that you need to carry to it.
Bring a couple of plastic trash bags to protect your purchases.
@hokie71 posted:Per George Carlin, I am predicting the Thursday night weather: DARK.
And widely scattered light towards morning?
Inside the Halls it will be brightly lit, dry and 72 degrees!
Bring a couple of plastic trash bags to protect your purchases.
I'm not buying anything at this tiny train show in SE Pennsylvania!
@irish rifle posted:Marty:
Just checked the Weather Channel forecast……
The Weather Channel probably has the most resources, but seems to have the worst forecasts. Go figure.
If the weather for a certain date is important to know, I check 2-3 sources. NOAA’s seems the most accurate for longer range forecasts. Accuweather does well to. Within 48 hours, some aviation forecasts are good.
Any weather forecast more than 5-6 days out, to me, is worthless.
12% chance? From experience, I always bring a box of trash bags.
Weather for York looking good now!
You realize that forecast will change 100 times between now and next Thursday, right?
It was supposed to rain today putting a damper on the Strasburg 2R and Kutztown shows. Now, no rain expected until later this afternoon.
One thing about central PA... you can not believe any weather forecast until you walk outside and see for yourself.
I DON'T CARE!! Let me repeat that I DON'T CARE!! This is the first York in 2 years and the weather isn't going to be a bit of a downer for me (unless there's going to be a foot of snow).
Ah yes, the York weather. I shall miss the fragrance of the "fertilizer" spread over the Lancaster County farm fields when I turn off Rte. 30 to go to the Museum on a beautiful day, temperature in the upper 60's or low 70's, sun shining, car windows down and not a care in the world except to find the next treasure at York. Oh wait, that's only in the Spring. Well, I shall miss it.
As of 10/18
If this holds it looks like we're dodging the rain and will have a perfect fall weekend.
THU 10/21
FRI 10/22
SAT 10/23
The only forecast that counts: Chance of trains followed by a deluge of greenbacks changing hands...100 percent !
@johnstrains posted:The only forecast that counts: Chance of trains followed by a deluge of greenbacks changing hands...100 percent !
I wish I could say that is a 100% chance but I've gone to York, had a great time, and only bought food.
@gmorlitz posted:Ah yes, the York weather. I shall miss the fragrance of the "fertilizer" spread over the Lancaster County farm fields when I turn off Rte. 30 to go to the Museum on a beautiful day, temperature in the upper 60's or low 70's, sun shining, car windows down and not a care in the world except to find the next treasure at York. Oh wait, that's only in the Spring. Well, I shall miss it.
I just posted pictures on my FB yesterday from when I was out there(at Strasburg for 611) and captured said fertilizer both on the field and being spread. I'm hoping that the weather is beautiful as can be. This morning it was around 42 and a might bit cool. Just needed a sweatshirt(with hood) and gloves for a bit to keep my hands warm while driving in. I suspect that the weather is going to be lovely. I've had enough rain on the weekend as it came down in buckets a bit Saturday.
THU 10/21
FRI 10/22
SAT 10/22
@MartyE posted:THU 10/21
77° /52°More clouds than sun16%
FRI 10/22
70° /50°Some sun, then clouds17%
SAT 10/22
63° /41°Times of clouds and sun14%
Looks great! Thurs and Fri in 70's. Can't wait!
@Sean's Train Depot posted:Looks great! Thurs and Fri in 70's. Can't wait!
And very little chance of rain as of now.
Sunshine all the way!
I'll update it for the last time tomorrow and from there out just stick yer head out the window once in the parking lot.
Looks like the rain moved to Saturday. Maybe by Thursday it'll move to Sunday.
Awesome! Most likely no rain!
My kind of forecast. I remember I think it was October 2018, rain on that Wednesday. The Toy Train Museum had quite a lot of rain and some flooding on the road(I think it was 2018) after that day, clear skies for the most part.
It is gorgeous here, today!
Last day of reporting. Let the fun begin!
THUR 10/21
FRI 10/22
SAT 10/23
Good morning Marty. Well, I always pack/take my bomber jacket/coat just in case it gets cooler than I would like. I think it was in 2018 morning temps dipped a bit with a bit of frost in some spots. See you there.
@Dave NYC Hudson PRR K4 posted:Good morning Marty. Well, I always pack/take my bomber jacket/coat just in case it gets cooler than I would like. I think it was in 2018 morning temps dipped a bit with a bit of frost in some spots. See you there.
Be prepared!
Marty.....since you are in Western PA, how are you crossing the Alleghenys?
Shuttlecraft? Transporter? Or, are you going retro with one of those hydrocarbon oxidizing vehicles on the former proposed ROW of the South Pennsylvania RR?
@Putnam Division posted:Marty.....since you are in Western PA, how are you crossing the Alleghenys?
Shuttlecraft? Transporter? Or, are you going retro with one of those hydrocarbon oxidizing vehicles on the former proposed ROW of the South Pennsylvania RR?
What if he does it by teleportation?
All I know is the sunrise was beautiful this morning.
@Putnam Division posted:Marty.....since you are in Western PA, how are you crossing the Alleghenys?
Shuttlecraft? Transporter? Or, are you going retro with one of those hydrocarbon oxidizing vehicles on the former proposed ROW of the South Pennsylvania RR?
Mr. Scott assures me that the transporter and shuttle craft are at my disposal. We will be traveling at high warp avoiding the Klingons along the way.
With the Orange Hall being the only building with A/C, much better with cooler temps.
@Dave NYC Hudson PRR K4 posted:Good morning Marty. Well, I always pack/take my bomber jacket/coat just in case it gets cooler than I would like. I think it was in 2018 morning temps dipped a bit with a bit of frost in some spots. See you there.
Good plan. These shows have the potential to get cold. During Spring 2015 York, we had a dusting of snow during the night (and boy did my tent get cold!)
@CarGuyZM10 posted:Good plan. These shows have the potential to get cold. During Spring 2015 York, we had a dusting of snow during the night (and boy did my tent get cold!)
The weather was definitely not nice for that meet! Got a laugh out of your experience that year (in a good way).