I just finished reading all the legacy info from the search. Good info if you know what and how legacy works or what is needed. I have dug out my post war ZW (250 watt) and all my train stuff that has been in storage for at least 35 years. I bought a new Williams GG1 locomotive that has a bell and whistle which my ZW doesn't seem to operate. My track was a little rusty so I bought some new fast track; nice improvement. Here is my problem; I don't know anything about Legacy or any other new electronic improvements or gadgets. Is there a video or other info that 1) details the equipment needed 2) how it is connected to my system and 3)what does it do? How long has Legacy been out there? BTW, even after 35 years in storage, my ZW still works. I had to clean up the engines' contacts and lube them and they still run. Thanks for any help on this.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
The Williams is using a solid state board vs old mechanical E-units. It may have trouble with "seeing" your ZWs whistle circuit. The ZW used a Rectifier Disk, a large washer, (copper/&silver?) that turns the AC to DC used to trigger the whistle. A positive DC current is running along side the AC when you have the whistle thrown. A bell takes negative DC. New power supplies use all modern solid state components. I have a few post war that refuse to whistle on new power, new engines that wont whistle on old power, and one new one that wont shut off if used on my American Flyer 18b(no whistle control at all).
You can make a modern whistle/bell controller with diodes that should do it. Or you can replace the R.disc with a heavy duty diode to see if that will work. It is becoming the norm to replace a disc with a big diode any more. But the bell will need its own button anyhow, the ZW does not have a bell button. Here's a quick look at an old thread with a picture showing a nicely built one with smaller diodes. You could use big ones externally as well https://ogrforum.com/t...llwhistle-controller
This one has a supplier for a zener diode listed(better) https://ogrforum.com/t...diode-install-update
Williams does not use Legacy either. Lionel Legacy works Lionel Legacy at 100%.
Some tmcc(lionel) and MTH can "cross over" but not at 100%.
Williams uses solid state, but is really very basic, just like old post war stuff.
(Do you have an old whistle? Does that work? Do you have an ac/dc voltage meter?)
I was in a very similar situation two years ago...old ZW (and a KW) that had been in storage for a long time along with my childhood trains. I started with old tubular track but gradually replaced it with track from Gargraves, switches from Ross, a few engines here and there from Williams and rolling stock from RMT, Lionel and RailKing (MTH). From the forum, I learned how to make a "diode ladder" and built a horn & bell controller that works with the new engines.
Frankly, I never could understand the need for Legacy or MTH’s DCS or any other remote control system for a small layout so I stayed with conventional transformer control and insulated blocks which worked fine and still does. I would caution anyone returning to the hobby after a long hiatus to question the need for Legacy or DCS. From a money standpoint, based on what I have gathered from this forum and elsewhere, if you get into remote controlled trains be prepared to shell out substantial $ for new engines that are compatible with whatever remote control system you select.
Another thing that confuses guys returning to the hobby is the difference in the size of the trains. Even if they’re all classified as “O” the size difference between “O-Scale” equipment and traditional O is significant and a good deal of O Scale equipment won’t be able to negotiate the O-31 curves of tubular track.
My layout is growing like a tumor… a new loop here, a branch line there and what once fit onto a ping pong table is now 18 x 24 (I guess that’s now considered a medium sized layout) and will probably grow again this winter with the addition of a new yard. Right now, I still plan to operate with the old ZW and KW transformers in the conventional manner however I have become intrigued with the new LionChief Plus line of equipment from Lionel - conventional sized trains with it's own remote control system different than Legacy. (Uses radio control similar to model airplanes.)
You may want to explore the Product Instructional Videos on Lionel's website.
Click on 'Customer Services' and scroll to that heading. Lots of stuff covered with
actual demonstrations, cheerfully performed and explained by Mike Reagan.
The Lionel Introduction to Legacy Video's are free on line and are actually quite well done, broken down into sections they cover everything you need to know. Take your PC right to your FasTrack and watch in real time exactly what needs to be done to get started. The Videos are numbered, go thru them in order and you will have no problem understanding how your Legacy works. Got to hand it to the Lionel engineers on this one, Legacy is definitely user friendly! Now that you have the Legacy, pick up some FasTrack Command Control switches that are remote controlled from your Cab2 or Cab1, no wires required! Serious Technology from Lionel.
For Legacy information the advice given by the others above is good, watch the Lionel videos here:
6-14295 - #990 LEGACY Command Set
Good place to start. You can also search for other videos on related products from this link. It's the one mentioned above under Customer Service on the Lionel site.
Legacy started out as TMCC in the mid '90s and was upgraded to it's current form (Legacy) in the mid to latter 2000's. Sorry, I don't know the exact years either one came out?
You guys are awesome. There is so much information here and fast.
There are many more whistle control threads like that. Much better actually, I just went with the first two I found! To present options
Type in a question, or topic with "O" scale/gauge on a search engine, and very often you will see this site in the top ten results. Or use the site search engine in the blue bar under the advertisers listings (they pay for this to be free, and many use the site with us daily as well).
If you plan on running your conventional post war trains/engines with the Legacy, you will need the Power Master to join with your Legacy 990 Control Base, then you will be able to run your conventional engines with you Legacy 990 Cab2 remote control. Punch up the Introduction to Legacy Instructional Video's on the Web, it is all there for you to see.