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I've been running Lionel 027 tubular track for 50 years and despite many self-built pikes, have never used a crossover in the manner I now have in mind. I run two distinct and separate lines using my KW Transformer. My latest pipe-dream is to have these two lines cross yet stay separately powered. Unit 1 on Thottle A will simply crossover the Throttle B track and continue on its way on Throttle A power, and vice-versa with Unit 2 on Throttle B power. So, using a 45 degree crossover, is it possible to separate the two by severing the continuity and then using jumpers on the center rails without a power loss to the motive power. My alternative idea is to create two block systems for the crossover using a DPDT toggle switch with one position for Throttle A and one for Throttle B. Expert thoughts appreciated.

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Is it possible to separate the power to center rails at the crossing on the underside?

Some of the older crossovers had silver pieces underneath and maybe you can slip a piece of cardboard in between the two pieces of metal to separate the power and not use jumpers, may have to unsolder the two pieces of metal. The outside rails should be okay if they touch.


Lee F.

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