With the 2012 SONC behind us, it is now time for the 08/11/2012 Strasburg Pa O scale 2 rail train show/swap meet. Located at the Strasburg Fire Co, Franklin St. 9 AM(SHARP) TO 1 PM. Admission is $5.00 (active military,spouses, children under 16, Free) . Tables are available- $25.00 first table, $20.00 each additional tables. Fine Amish food served by Jim & Ann of the Strasburg Fire Company. Come bring you and your family to beautiful Lancaster County- home of the Strasburg RR and Pa RR Museum. For more info contact- John P.Dunn Sr. Scale2Rail Promotions- jdunn8888@hotmail.com or 609-432-2871 cell.
We look forward to seeing you the 11th.