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Hello All,


I recently bought a Lionel #132 Illuminated Automatic Station.  Came with the original box and instruction manual.  The station is in mint condition and I mean MINT  I have it set to "continuous" right now because I can't get the train to stop and then start up again.  I have tried gradually moving the lever after the train makes a few laps.  Inevitably, the light in the station goes dark and the locomotive stops; does not start again.  I have tried with two engines --- one is a modern K-Line Boxcab locked into forwards.  The other is a prewar 1668 with the E-unit disconnected.  No luck.  It is wired correctly according to the instructions.  I am perfectly happy with it as a lighted station alone, but would like to try the automatic feature.  Is it something as simple as a bad contact? 


Thanks in advance for your help.

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If it is wired correctly, this is what should happen.  When the loco hits the insulated track, the voltage passes through an open thermistor.  When the thermistor heats up, it closes and makes contact to complete the circuit and engine should start. 


I'm guessing either bad wiring, or bad/dirty/misaligned thermistor.


You might want to test operation of the thermistor on the bench by hitting either end with some juice from a transformer, to see if it moves.

Something is wired wrong.  The station light should not go out.  When wired correctly it will always see the main track voltage.


Even when set up correctly the station will not work with many modern engines.  But, in that situation the engine will not stop, or it will only slow down.  When an engine enters the insulated center rail section it is still drawing a trickle current through the nichrome wire.  With a post war engine it's not enough current to move, but it will heat the wire.  At some point the contact will close and the engine will receive full power and depart.  The probelm with some modern can motors is the trickle current is enough to run and they won't come to a full stop.

The light in the station is NOT supposed to go out.  Because the load on the power supply goes down when the train stops in the block, the light actually gets a bit brighter.


The bulb(heater too) is powered by wires to Lockon clips 1 & 2 outside the block, the third wire powers the block through the bimetallic strip and contact to Lockon clip 1 inside the block.

Last edited by ADCX Rob
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