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First I would ask if you are running off track power or if you have a separate accessory power supply.


I prefer to run all my accessories from a separate power supply.  SO, I have one for

track power, one for switches and one for accessories.  Also, everything is run from buss bars, with a separate on off switch for each accessory.


hope this helps...



This is one accessory that needs to run on track power.


The bulb should be at track voltage(from outside the insulated block).  When the loco enters the controlled block and stops, the bulb should actually get slightly brighter as the motor turns off(or nearly off) and dim again slightly when the contact closes and the loco takes off.


As the opposite is happening, you obviously have the bulb power tapped off of the insulated block instead of the rest of the loop.  Only terminal 3 should be connected inside the control block... to the "1" clip on the Lockon.


Here is the diagram:



In order for the bulb to stay at a constant level of brightness I took the bulb off of the track power and put it on a separate accessory power wire as noted by Jeff Z. I had to isolate the bulb socket from the support bar and establish a separate ground for said socket. Not a difficult fix.


This fix allows the stop circuit to function as designed without further alteration.



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