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Is it time for a 150 Sesquicentennial last spike Train set?


May 10, 1869 the Union and Central Pacific Railroads joined their rails at Promontory Summit, Utah Territory.

The Golden Spike National Historic Site is a great place to visit and see the operational replicas of the original engines reenact the last spike event.


I enjoyed visiting and photographing the engines, very stunning and colorful.

I always thought they would make for a great pair of models.


MTH did some engines up but the engines do not appear to be very scale like a bit over-sized and awkward looking especially the over-sized tenders. They have done Premier and Railking versions.


SMR trains has done some nice scale engines and perhaps for prototypical is the best choice


But perhaps it is time for Lionel to use their General model and do a pair of commemorative sets.

While I would like a nice scale engine the Lionel General in a LionChief set with commemorative information and a few extra details and some fine paint work for both the UP 119 and CP Jupiter would make for a nice more affordable pair of train sets.


Would you buy a set of each engine and some extra cars in a commemorative set if it was offered by Lionel or ?? perhaps paying a bit more if as close to the originals as possible ??


I would think that if Lionel was to offer these sets they might consider offering them soon in a catalog in the next year or 2 to make sure they are on the market and in stores well before the anniversary takes place!!!


Sometimes projects have been delayed for example Lionel Christmas sets or special sets that have come out well past the actual event date.

By having the sets on the market an in stores well ahead of the anniversary one would think they would sell better when the 150 event rolls around and perhaps is a well publicized event. Perhaps well ahead of Christmas the year before. Perhaps a major store chain might pick up on this and consider selling sets??

Last edited by kj356
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Perhaps I will have to paint up my own set. I have 4 of the Lionel General engines they run well and 2 are available for a repaint project but they are not quite to scale. These might be the best option for engines if I want to run extensively for show.


I also have a couple of the Rivarossi Genoa models 1 in kit form 1 that runs.

And noted another at a shop locally for a reasonable price. I think the Genoa engines would work well for the Central Pacific Jupiter model.

But perhaps the Reno kit would be better for building the Union Pacific 119 engine??


Anyone seen a Reno kit around they are rare?













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A few years back, the LCCA did a Great Locomotive Chase set of two Lionel 4-4-0's (The General and Texas), so a 2-locomotive set is not out of the question for Lionel.  And Lionel has put straight stacks on their 4-4-0's before.


I guess it all boils down to how much you would be willing to pay for a set.  On the low end, a Lionel conventional-only set would run $300-$400, and on the high end, a set done by SMR would be in the $3500 range.  A set of MTH RailKing 4-4-0's would probably be in the $700 range.


A LionChief set with one of the new multi-engine remotes might also be a possibility, but then you are talking probably $500-$600 range.


While I'm not personally interested in these engines, I think that the interest is out there, and again, the questions then become is ther enough interest and at what price point will these sell in order to get enough orders for them to be made?



Yippee I called and wrote Lionel on this in the past, perhaps others asked for this as well. The latest catalog shows the pair of engines and some additional commemorative box cars.

MTH also did the engines but they look huge and out of scale a few different releases.

Of note in the Lionel Catalog is the mention; "But wait, there's more! Look for additional special product, including finely crafted brass scale models of #119 and Jupiter. to be formally announced this May!"

Humm that sounds exciting, but I was hoping that they might have released all the sets before the anniversary takes place this year!

Would you buy the advertised General set or prefer to wait for some expensive Brass engines? Will be interesting to see what they are thinking of offering. But will have to order something? and perhaps in the meantime still paint up those scale engines I posted pictures of in the above post.




Last edited by kj356

"I guess it all boils down to how much you would be willing to pay for a set.  On the low end, a Lionel conventional-only set would run $300-$400, and on the high end, a set done by SMR would be in the $3500 range.  A set of MTH RailKing 4-4-0's would probably be in the $700 range."

You can forget about SMR doing anything. They are defunct. Lionel and MTH Generals are way oversized for scale. The engine in the Lionel Lincoln funeral train set was about the correct size for the scale, but I think that those Lionel historic pieces are a thing of the past. 

I am going to wait to see what these finely crafted brass models look like.  I have been wanting a scale General for so long, but Lionel has never made them except for the Lincoln funeral train, but that was not Legacy.  I would settle for the Lionchief set if nothing else, but a scale set would be my choice.

A pair of these in scale detail going along with the anniversary would be awesome.

And then maybe in a second catalog a set of cars to car with them.



kj356 posted:

Yippee I called and wrote Lionel on this in the past, perhaps others asked for this as well. The latest catalog shows the pair of engines and some additional commemorative box cars.

MTH also did the engines but they look huge and out of scale a few different releases.

Of note in the Lionel Catalog is the mention; "But wait, there's more! Look for additional special product, including finely crafted brass scale models of #119 and Jupiter. to be formally announced this May!"

Humm that sounds exciting, but I was hoping that they might have released all the sets before the anniversary takes place this year!

Would you buy the advertised General set or prefer to wait for some expensive Brass engines? Will be interesting to see what they are thinking of offering. But will have to order something? and perhaps in the meantime still paint up those scale engines I posted pictures of in the above post.




I am waiting to see what these Brass models will look like.  This set is Lionechief, of which they will probably make plenty.  It is not a preorder set.

It needs to be kept in mind that, while the General was a 4-4-0, not all 4-4-0s are Generals.  It should also be kept in mind that the General itself looked very little like the Lionel model during its moment of fame (it looks a lot like that NOW, but there is little left of the original engine), and, as some have noted, the model is oversized.

The AHM/Rivarossi Genoa/Reno kits are closer to the Jupiter and the 119, but both are still more modern.

There is nothing wrong with Lionel commemorating the anniversary with a pair of specially decorated General derivatives, of course!  Most people--even many train people--would have no idea of the difference, and fewer would care.  And that's OK!

But a nice pair of more accurate engines (but not high-end brass), tooled up for wider sales than SMR's might be possible for something less than SMR's nose-bleed prices, as they could be exploited for many other uses:  Old West, Civil War, Logging/Mining, The Wild, Wild West:  lots of possibilities out there for amortizing the tooling costs.  They could even take a leaf from Bachmann's book and create interchangeable chassis--4-4-0 & 2-6-0--on the same superstructure, doubling the mileage (as it were).  There is some demand for 19th century trains that has not yet been satisfied.  

I wan two, please:  one of each wheel arrangement.

And, for Casey's sake! make them available in Command AND Conventional.

I'm definitely interested in the brass versions of Jupiter and 119, something I have been waiting for a long time! If those are successful Lionel (or any other manufacturer for that matter)  make more accurate renditions of 19th century locomotives! While they have made many kinds, most are either oversized or use existing tooling which is ok, but could be better. Can't wait to hear more about these locos! 

Off topic from the golden spike trains but since talking about accurate 4-4-0s, it would be nice if Atlas ever wanted to make new O gauge locos, they could scale up their nicely proportioned N scale 4-4-0 to O gauge, and offer it in a variety of paint schemes plus different styles (dome, stack, headlight styles) 40-000-469_ATSF-pic


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Looking forward to the Lionel official announcement shortly but wish the scale engines had been available by today the anniversary. 

I painted up my own O scale set of engines 2 rail operational with the old Rivarossi here they are with photos of the real ones.

Bachmann also has a set in HO of the commemorative set available.

Click on the top photo for a larger view then can scroll through all the photo's in a larger view.



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Last edited by kj356

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