We are about to create multiple Custom Control Panels for various yards and layout areas, and the documentation in the LCS App leaves out this detail. In the Edit section, it says the first switch placed in a Custom Control Panel will be auto-assigned ID 1, the next 2, etc. How does this coordinate with switch IDs that have already been assigned using your Cab2 or Cab 1L remote? More generally how do you manage this so your switch IDs on each panel match those you would use to throw the same switch using the remote? It seems you need to be able to tell the LCS App what the ID of the switch you are placing in the control panel already is, since I understand the switch must be in the Legacy or TMCC system with its ID before you can connect it to the LCS app and use the Custom Control Panel. Have yet to find either Lionel documentation or YouTube video that is thorough enough on this subject. Puzzled.
Besides answers from experienced LCS App users, will also appreciate links or direction to better documentation about the topic. Thanks.