For us fixed-pilot types, do you all agree with me it is time for MTH and AtlasO to catalog the GP60M again?
MTH - I think it was last catalogued by MTH in 2008, but without a fixed pilot version. Would you all agree that it is time for MTH to re-issue with a fixed pilot and PS3, so that all us 2R-DCC guys plus the 3RS-DCS guys can get a model for current-day modeling standards? I used to have the beautiful Maersk version, but had to sell it when I realized I didn't want to stay in 3-rail.
ATLAS - I've never seen their version in person, but it looks pretty decent in pictures. I am tempted to buy one on ebay, but when I figure in the cost and effort to put in a dcc decoder and sound, the auction price doesn't seem worth it. I would love to have a re-issue of the Maersk (which is kinda rare, even on ebay) with the DCC and sound already installed. I'd also be interested in a Santa Fe warbonnet and maybe a BNSF issue.
What do you all think? Please indicate which mfr and paint scheme you would buy.