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I was at the park yesterday afternoon and the train was coming by just as I was getting in the car. I was actually kind of surprised they were running on such a dreary, drizzly day as the locomotives don't do well on wet rails and while they have sanders, the sandboxes are a PITA to fill up and shoot sand everywhere BUT the rails!


Anyway, got this short video of the short train cruising along the Westlake Drive parking lot. Not far from the station. Diesel engine #378, the newest of 3 CP Huntington locomotives owned by MNCPPC/Montgomery Parks. A short 3 car train. Back at the station, it was a "full house" with two extra coaches and engine #281 which rarely sees the light of day but saw a lot of action last month while the 378 was down for mechanical problems.


As many of you here know by now, I was the primary locomotive engineer, manager, and jack of all trades for many years. Hard to believe I "retired" 2 years ago!



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Last edited by SJC

This week’s contribution to my continuing series of Observation Cars is the K-Line 21” Empire State Express. K-Line sure got it right when it comes to a bright shiny finish on their aluminum passenger cars. This observation car is a stunning example of just how good they look. The entire set is a wonderful addition to any layout. Hope you enjoy this photo.



Observation Cars 006


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Happy Independence Day for Saturday and a belated Happy Canada Day from July 1 north of the 49.


Hope everyone has a train filled weekend there are many special train rides running in the US this weekend.


Here is a couple of shots from a recent club meet.

Some nice standard vintage trains for sale, and a custom built articulated engine built from some early Lionel engines spliced together.


And a bit of Red White and Blue for July 4 and a Canadian Flag for July 1.


Click on each photo for a large view.









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Last edited by kj356

Happy 4th, everyone!

I'm excited.....I only have to work today!


Here are some additional pics from my photo shoot in early of them was graciously chosen by Allen for RUN 279, page 19.







Here's one I did last summer....The Central on the West Shore....







Be safe this weekend, everyone....




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Happy 4th to everyone. Here are a couple of photos of my layout taken by Alan Arnold a few years ago.


If you right click on a picture and then click "open link in new window", you will get a full scene shot that will give a lot of detail...  Hope you enjoy and I appreciate you taking the time to look.










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Last edited by Roger Wasson

Have no photos of my patriotic July 4th consist to show yet as I'm awaiting delivery of a beautiful engine to pull it, namely a PRR #1776 Red, White & Blue GG-1 and matching N5C Caboose that I ordered in mid February 2015 from RMT-Direct Trains. Hopefully I'll have it in hand by either Veteran's Day 2015 or for 2016 July 4th to post pics then.

BTW, anyone else order this loco and/or cabboose since February 2015 and also waiting for delivery? If so, has Walt M indicated to you when he expects them? I'm really looking forward to receiving mine!!!  

Last edited by ogaugeguy
Now announcing a photo that has never been seen before.
*The photo of photos.
*A photo with years in the making
*With a cost of hundreds of dollars and perhaps 10's of lives.
*A photo so amazing that Marty had to set his alarm clock for the first time this year to be first on Weekend Photo Fun.
Warning those with weak hearts please scroll down slowly so that the full effect of this amazing photo does not cause a heart attack.
Originally Posted by MartyE:



Actually it's a great did you get the fireworks in the picture.

Scott Smith


Last edited by scott.smith

As I grease up my old "M" Boat's twin mount 50 cal.machine guns to protect against enroachment on the layout by any smelly diesels, I am reminded of a little bit of history I tried to convey to my 4 Grand Daughters regarding our celebration on July 4.


Two in college and two in elementary school yet none knew much more about July 4th than that it meant a beach or mountain trip, a lot of "band music in old graveyards" and Grandpa's overcooked burgers. [one GD, in an  Pol. Science Honors Program no less, did mention an "intervention" with the British].


I reminded them that although experiencing some close calls and at great cost, Americans have enjoyed 239 years of freedom since the Continental Congress broke with the British on July 2, 1776 and on July 4th 1776 adopted the Declaration of Independence. Then we fought two wars with the Limeys, 1775-1783 and 1812-15, to assure our initial freedom.


Midst groans and rolling of eyes I announced a future series of Q&A sessions with $ awards regarding knowledge about how we have protected our freedom-- the good and bad Wars, but it would include questions that are not covered on Google.


Meantime as important trivia which their friends[and likely their teachers]would not know, regards the Committee of Five selected to draft the Declaration of Independence?

Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Phillip Livingston and Roger Sherman.


None of their parents knew any beyond the first 3 . 




















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Last edited by Dewey Trogdon

In Vienna right now. On the left you see a tram. We are in front of the building where the US and Iran are negotiating. The NBC TV truck is the second one on the right. Andrea Mitchell was behind me doing a report for the news on the Today Show when I snapped this photo.


Supposedly John Kerry is staying in the hotel whose Marquis you see on the far right.



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