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I am looking for leads to replace the circuit board in the tender of my childhood train set. Unfortunately, I was not aware of the foam disintegration issue until it was too late. The specific model is 6-1586, The Chesapeake Flyer. I believe the specific part id I need is 8142-T-35(??)

I know in alot of cases, it's not worth the time if you find one of these sets at an estate sale or ebay. Since this is my first (and only) set, the nostalgia value alone is worth the effort to try and restore it. 

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I had the same issue with my beloved Blue Streak Jersey Central.  I had great success in finding tenders at shows where the foam was still intact.  It took a while and a lot of looking, but I was able to source a couple of decent boards.  They work so well now the wife has requested I unplug them when running on the Christmas layout, LOL. Good luck!

^^what Chuck said.  My first set was also the Blue Streak (6-1385.)  Unless I'm mistaken, when the Electronic Mighty Sound of Steam made its debut in 1971, there were NO integrated circuits on the board, only discrete components.  In my personal experience, the '73 Sound of Steam in the Blue Streak (without whistle) sounds much cleaner than the Milwaukee version with whistle.  The whistle was dropped after 1973.  The boards were redesigned over the next several years, and by 1980 when Lionel restored the whistle feature the chuff just didn't sound the same.  

The best part is that until the use of Hall effect sensors on the U.P. Berkshire (8002), the chuffing was truly synchronized to the drive rods and the puffing of smoke.  That's something that wasn't achieved again until the advent of DCS speed control circa 2000.

Last edited by Ted S

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