Who collects American Model Trains (AMT) & Kusan Model Trains (KMT) Box Cars?
Back in 1979 my late friend John Marron of Harrison, NY, a TCA charter member had many of there box cars in his large collection. AMT introduced their boxcars in 1952 one year before Lionel's 6464 series box cars. These cars were about O scale size for a 40ft box car so they were larger then the Lionel 6464 box cars. The floors are cast aluminum. The trucks are made up of four pieces that are screwed together, the main center piece and the two side frames. The forth piece is the coupler assembly that screws into the center front piece of the truck. These trucks are made of die cast metal as far as I can tell and can be taken apart if need be to replace any of the truck parts should a piece brake.
After seeing John's collection of these cars I decided that I would like to collection them as well. So on my second visit to the York, PA. meet in October, 1979 and while John was setting up at his table in the blue hall I set out to see if I could find any. Well just two isles away there they were, a table full of AMT box cars. John had told me which ones were the rarer ones. Well on that table there was one of the rarer ones, The silver Southern Pacific box car. I scoped it up along with some of the more common brown box cars. All of the cars came with the original boxes. The Southern Pacific car was $25.00 and the brown cars were $10.00 each. There were still more to be purchased so I went back and purchased some of the others. By the time John was finished setting up at his table and he went over to see what was left all of the cars were sold. John already had all of the cars that I had purchased so I didn't feel bad not offering any of the cars that I had purchased to him.
Since then I was able to purchase all of the common brown cars and cars of other colors from AMT. When it comes to the KMT box cars they are some rare and very rare box cars. The rarest of all the box cars is the white, red and black #8011 New Haven box car. John Marron and John Bradshaw who is the most famous of the AMT, KMT collectors and who back in the 1980s authored a book published by Bruce Greenberg on the cars, both of these men never owned the New Haven box cars. About 20 years ago I was at the train meet in Wayne, NJ that I had been going to many times. Under the table of the two people who brings trains to operate and some to sell I see a open carton of the KMT box cars. I asked if they were for sale and he said yes and that he had purchase them the day before and someone who also collected them was coming to see and maybe purchase them. I sat down and put the box in my lap. There were 16 box cars in the carton all with in there original boxes.. I started to look at the numbers that were written on the end flaps of the car boxes I was shocked to see the number 8011. I pulled the box out of the carton and asked him if I could take the car out of the box. He said yes, so I slowly removed the car from the box. There it was a red, white and black New Haven box car. Wow I was holding the rarest of the rare KMT box cars. I asked him if I could purchase it and he said yes but he did not know what the car was worth so having paid for some of the other rare KMT box cars over the years from $70.00 to $100.00 I offered him $100.00. He said yes. Before I left his table I took another look into the carton and to my utter surprise there was another box with the number 8011. I pulled that box out of the carton and again slowly removed the car from the box and yes another New Haven box car. Again I asked him if I could purchase this car also and he said yes. I gave him another $100.00 for the second car and walked away feeling like my feet were not touching the ground. I then went over to another collector of these cars who lived in Fairlawn, NJ. I showed him the two New Haven boxes and the cars inside of each. He asked me if I wanted to sell one of the cars and before I could say anything he offered me $1,000.00 for one. I told him thank you but if I were to sell one of the cars I would offer it to John Marron first who never owned one and who got me started with collecting these cars.
I also have purchased all of the other freight cars models from these two companies that were produced between 1952 & 1958. I feel very lucky to have been in the right places at the right times to be able to purchase these cars.
Ed New Haven Line.