Hello guys I'm looking for any news you may have on a Amtrak accident today in Colorado on its way to New Mexico. My son who's with Boy Scouts on his way to Phimont Reported that the Train hit a car . I haven't found any word on the Internet. Thought some of you may be aware of it . Apparently there were fatalities.
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Check the Passenger Trains board on TrainOrders.com. The Amtrak train hit a vehicle near Trinidad, Col. Looks like it might be a significant delay.
Thanks I'll try it. Very much appreciated
Just read two adults, three children killed, one girl survived but condition unknown. Car stopped on tracks (stalled?, suicide?, who knows )
People really need to start to learn that you can't stop a vehicle on a train track
people just do not understand the distance a train needs to stop.
I thought Homo sapiens means "Man the wise"? Stuff like this makes me wonder?
Here's a Daily Mail article, with photos. Very sad.
I've had engineers tell me that an incident such as this can emotionally scar the engine crew for life. I really feel sad for the Amtrak engineer. Looks like the train was released after about a seven hour wait, and is still on its way to Los Angeles as I write this.
that is so sad the whole family apart from one little girl
have you seen the photo of the girls so pretty
my heart goes out to the families for there loss
I understand what your saying about the train driver etc
I can't imagine the Heartache
So sad. Those poor people. My heart goes out to them and their families.
Not only does my heart go out the family, but also to the train crew. It stays with the crews forever. I was involved with one accident where we hit a car and killed 2 - 5 year olds.That was April 6th 2006. I can still see the faces in my mind, as right before we hit them, I saw my own kids faces in them.
It's a real shame that this had to happen. We had initially learned that there were three survivors. Unfortunately there's only one now. May God be with the survivor and may the deceased rest in the everlasting light.
Never understand why people stop on tracks...do they stop in the middle of intersections?? Same issue. We had a woman locally that turned and drove down the track (destroyed car) because her GPS told her to turn right. How dumb can you be?