Replies sorted oldest to newest
Looking forward to following the development progress of the PRR 7002!
I ordered the Ann Arbor GP-35
On office hours someone suggested a DMIR SD40T-2. Is this still a possibility?
Hmmm got me thinking about an Atlantic. Now I've just gotta choose which one. Great offerings for Custom Runs, Steve! Love the variety and the unique choices!
Thanks for offering the New Haven FA in the soft orange scheme. Hoping the OGRR New Haven fans will support it.
I’m in for one of the New Haven FA AA sets - I really like that paint scheme
Is there a link for a more concise listing of new (2025) custom runs?
Windy City: Google this link - 'Announcing Lionel 2025V1 Custom Runs for MrMuffin'sTrains - sorry for thr resend - forgot the Amtrak Auto Carriers!'. May want to sign-up for McMuffin Trains email updates. Steve sent one yesterday announcing all the custom runs for the 2025 Lionel catalog.
I also like the trainmaster Norfolk and Western
@star316 posted:Windy City: Google this link - 'Announcing Lionel 2025V1 Custom Runs for MrMuffin'sTrains - sorry for thr resend - forgot the Amtrak Auto Carriers!'. May want to sign-up for McMuffin Trains email updates. Steve sent one yesterday announcing all the custom runs for the 2025 Lionel catalog.
thank you
I also like the General MacArthur S2
I've gotten to be fond enough of the custom runs that Steve and team put together that I deliberately wait to see what they are going to offer before putting in my catalog pre-order. Lots of dealers are doing them now, but the combination of creative and realistic always seems to make these offerings pretty special.
What has passed the required number total?