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Well, Lionel sent two reps to do a presentation this morning. It seemed to be well attended. They had a sample of a Berk with the new remote system that they were demonstrating. They had a few other items on display like the new turbine, and a few of the heritage paint scheme NS engines. I took a few pictures of the items they had on display. I'll try to post a few of them after I dump them off my camera.I took over 300 pictures at the museum of transportation, and a few hundred more out and about in St. Louis. hopefully a few of them turn out OK


This was my first convention. I went to a few of the seminars, the trading pits, and an informal dinner with a few members of the Plasticville Collectors Association (PCA). I didn't sit in on the board meetings or go on any of the tours, so maybe that's where all the news would come from.


J White


I certainly will remain a member, whether I attend York or not.

I had been paying the membership dues for both of my sons, but I let their memberships lapse over the last couple of years. If they ever decide to ride down to York with me, they can go once as a guest, and join for a year after that.

I think there will be people who drop out completely.

I think there will be people who maintain memberships only for during the times they plan to attend York. With no initiation fee and no signature requirements, its easy to join just in time to go.

Fifty Dollars a year membership fee, Wow! I think the gentleman is right, people will drop out like flies. The magazine is not worth the postage, unless you are into Prewar or Tinplate. And what else do you get, nothing. Many will probable drop out and only pay when they think they will attend York, which is not cheap to attend. I used to go twice a year, now don't go at all. Fifty dollars a year is no way to build new membership in a "ole boys club" that is dwindling.

Originally Posted by cbojanower:

So what is that green steam engine in the first picture?


The reps said it was a preproduction sample of the new Polar Express berk (the one with sound and remote control). I didn't really study it much, other than to think the color was pretty neat. I think it would be a hit at our modular club's layout.


I had heard about the dues increase, but was (jokingly, I think...) asked not to mention it until the BOD had a chance to make an official statement. As I mentioned when I was there, I think it is still a bargain, and the increase shouldn't affect my membership for quite some time I hope. I also mentioned that I still work though, and I can see that some people are going to quit as a result. 


J White

Originally Posted by Modelrailroader:

...And what else do you get, nothing. 

Sadly, an all-too-common attitude among those who think first and foremost of how they might reap personal benefit, without regard to contributing to the hobby as a whole and its future.


Fifty dollars (or whatever) a year causes an uproar among some who spend hundreds, or more likely thousands, of dollars annually for toys to support their hobby interests.  What's that...a measly $15 a year more to belong?  Less than the cost of attending a movie or a modest dinner out.  There's something inherently wrong with that picture.  

Originally Posted by artyoung:

$50 is fine, $100 would be fine too. I go to York twice a year and enjoy looking for trains and friends old and new, hit the museum at least once a year........ The membership is worth the price to me.

Those of us living in the West (I'm almost 1500 miles from York) have a different prospective than Northeasterners on value for investment here. To the extent that a significant part of the value of TCA membership is "buying a ticket to York," obviously that isn't much of an attraction for those of us who are so far away and don't attend.


If York were held somewhere in California, for example, those in the Northeast would have a different perspective, too.


Nonetheless, I will maintain my membership, just to support the organization and the hobby. Having the opportunity to purchase club cars is an important attraction as well.

Who here thinks a $15.00 increase is too much to help the TCA? Are you kidding, I would have raised it to $65.00 to put the TCA on a better financial footing. 


If members bail on the TCA because of a lousy $15.00 increase then shame on Them. I just don't get it. 


I also think the TCA  museum should not be free to members, discounted, yes. The TCA needs to raise money and this is one way to do it.  

Originally Posted by breezinup:


Nonetheless, I will maintain my membership, just to support the organization and the hobby. Having the opportunity to purchase club cars is an important attraction as well.

That's pretty much the attitude I held over the many years I lived in Hawaii and couldn't conveniently make a whole lot of trips to the mainland to attend train-related events (although I did attend the NMRA nationals just about every year).  


At one time, I was a member of the NMRA, LCCA, TTOS, LOTS, Marklin Club, LGB Club, Ntrak, and a couple of others--all at the same time.  I held all those memberships because I was interested in helping to support the hobby.  It was costly, but I made pretty good money back then and felt it was a worthwhile investment in a hobby I enjoyed tremendously and which had brought me so much relaxation and pleasure.


Today, on a more limited budget, I'm a member of the NMRA (Life Member, so I no longer pay dues, but do contribute significantly to special fundraising initiatives), and the TCA, which is the largest "voice" for the toy train segment of the hobby.  No matter what the TCA dues may be, I will continue to pay it and support the organization, regardless of whether or not I can attend the York Meet (I likely will not be attending in October, for example).


I think it was the scale Polar Express.
They also showed the fastrack section that can read Legacy settings off the IR sensor under your engine and send it to your Cab2 as well as give the engine location to the iPad app.
Originally Posted by j white:
Originally Posted by cbojanower:

So what is that green steam engine in the first picture?


The reps said it was a preproduction sample of the new Polar Express berk (the one with sound and remote control). I didn't really study it much, other than to think the color was pretty neat. I think it would be a hit at our modular club's layout.


I had heard about the dues increase, but was (jokingly, I think...) asked not to mention it until the BOD had a chance to make an official statement. As I mentioned when I was there, I think it is still a bargain, and the increase shouldn't affect my membership for quite some time I hope. I also mentioned that I still work though, and I can see that some people are going to quit as a result. 


J White

Originally Posted by C W Burfle:


I don't have a problem with the dues increase. I will certainly pay the fifty dollars. But how long will this dues level last? Unless the TCA finds a way to make the museum self-supporting, the dues will continue to rise.


An endowment fund was setup to eventually partially fund the Museum and Library.
Originally Posted by Paul Edgar:

I can confirm that.  Been to the grocery store lately?  Buy any gas?  Everything is up.


Paul Edgar

Past President

What a CAVALIER reply!!!  Everything is up 42%???  YOU are casually forecasting ONLY a 10% membership loss when you cannot afford losing TEN members???  Did YOU spend MY MONEY wisely when you were President or were you in on any Dues Increase??? Total monies reimbursed Officers/Directors to fly across this Country???


Let's see what kind of GOOD NEWS comes out of the LCCA and LOTS/TTOS(Here I come...CALIFORNIA/NEVADA) Conventions.  See Alan Miller's post about the POSITIVE news article planted by the LCCA Officers.


This may well be a RICH MAN's HOBBY, and true, $15 is a drop in a bucket for wealthy people like myself, Alan, and CW(tongue-in-cheek)...but I couldn't have justified it to my wife 20 years ago when I bought a new home in the Country and had other more meaningful expenses.  SOMETIMES, one must think about OTHERS before thinking of themselves!!!

This may well be a RICH MAN's HOBBY, and true, $15 is a drop in a bucket for wealthy people like myself, Alan, and CW(tongue-in-cheek)...


When I wrote that I didn't have a problem with the dues increase, I meant that I was going to pay it. I didn't mean to imply that  that I thought it was a good idea.

Its not.

Unless alternate funding is found, the museum is going to kill the organization.


I'm not sure why you have such a preoccupation with doing away with the museum, C.W. It's probably the greatest asset the TCA has, and it is the only museum of its kind in the nation where the history of the toy train hobby is presented in a tangible, logical, and comprehensive way.


As for any diminishing of the attendance at York as predicted by GG1GUYY:  That is going to happen anyhow, and it's a trend that cannot be reversed.  Not a terribly big problem because the York Meet is separate from the TCA National.  Since it is now possible for anyone--right off the street--to join the TCA and thus have the ability to attend the York Meet, I have no problem with seeing a TCA dues increase help to keep the meet to those who are truly interested and involved in the hobby.  I wouldn't even mind seeing a further increase in the York Meet admission fee.  Those who want to attend will surely find a way to pay for the privilege...fixed income or not.  If one actively participates in this hobby, he/she can afford to support its activities beyond his/her own self-interest.

Originally Posted by C W Burfle:

This may well be a RICH MAN's HOBBY, and true, $15 is a drop in a bucket for wealthy people like myself, Alan, and CW(tongue-in-cheek)...


When I wrote that I didn't have a problem with the dues increase, I meant that I was going to pay it. I didn't mean to imply that  that I thought it was a good idea.

Its not.

Unless alternate funding is found, the museum is going to kill the organization.


Understood CW...I do not have a problem with you...I am a 40-year member like you...LOVE TCA...attend their conventions UNLESS I believe they make a poor choice(St. Louis not appealing to me).  The Convention cars and Publications have been Substandard compared to the other clubs, but I will forever stand up for TCA as evidenced by most of my posts on here.  I just got a bit out of sorts at the way people seem to follow the leader without question.  I have lost track of the number of Dues Increases in the last 5 years, but I would bet the number to be 3 if I had to guess.  If I overspend on trains, I don't go to my employer and tell him I am raising my salary!!!   I would prefer ACCOUNTABILITY for those that made this decision in that Banquet room in St. Louis...that's all!!!


I'm not sure why you have such a preoccupation with doing away with the museum, C.W


The museum is nice to have, but in its current form, its costs are killing the club.

IMHO its cost is behind the drive to maintain/increase membership and raise dues. No matter what the TCA does, membership levels are going to drop over time.

If the museum has to be supported by dues, then between declining membership and increased operating expenses, those dues can only grow.

How long will this fifteen dollar increase cover expenses?


While I have advocated closing the museum in the past, more recently I've suggested looking for outside sponsors. Of course finding a sponsor might not be an easy task. How about the Pepsi Train Collectors Museum?


I also have suggested raising the admission fees (and table rates) at York, with the money earmarked to go to National. (This would be a voluntary gesture by the Eastern Division).

How about just making an endowment to the museum the next time you review your will, C.W. (and others)?  For all I know, others have already done that, and I'm considering that possibility myself, although the bulk of my estate is going to another non-profit foundation.  Perhaps the TCA needs to establish a separate TCA Museum Foundation  or some such to handle such things.


After I'm gone, I couldn't care less what happens with my trains.  If I can leave something that will benefit organizations or causes I care about while I'm on the upside of the grass, even if the trains are turned into cash for a few cents on the dollar, so much the better.

Originally Posted by Allan Miller:

How about just making an endowment to the museum the next time you review your will, C.W. (and others)?  For all I know, others have already done that, and I'm considering that possibility myself, although the bulk of my estate is going to another non-profit foundation.  Perhaps the TCA needs to establish a separate TCA Museum Foundation  or some such to handle such things.


After I'm gone, I couldn't care less what happens with my trains.  If I can leave something that will benefit organizations or causes I care about while I'm on the upside of the grass, even if the trains are turned into cash for a few cents on the dollar, so much the better.

I WAS considering this Allan, but the numerous Dues Increases suggest to me that the POWERS THAT BE cannot manage money properly.  SOOO, why give them more???  And besides, most on here are your everyday people who leave their money to their family...NOT Museums! My PERCEPTION is the same as it is for your everyday politician who keeps increasing their coffers due to their inability to pay the bills as if they were their own. If I were to run my home this way...well you get the point.  Most on here STRETCH their money.  They have no choice. They may have less money than you, and may live in a different world than you.  I will agree that the TCA Museum is the Crowned Jewel of Toy Trains!!!


After I'm gone, I couldn't care less what happens with my trains.


I am not overly concerned either.

When I pass on, maybe each member of my family will pick out a few items to keep,

I expect they will sell the rest. If they sell it all, that is good too.


How about just making an endowment to the museum the next time you review your will, C.W. (and others)?


As Ron Blume wrote, my first responsibility is to my wife and the rest of my family.


Unless someone has some very deep pockets, looking for endowments from deceased member's estates is no better an answer than raising dues.


Last edited by C W Burfle
Originally Posted by GG1GUYY:

With a lot of members retired and on fixed income any increase in any form hurts.


Especially with OBAMA CARE LOOMING.



Thank goodness for that. Our medical insurance premiums have skyrocketed and become unaffordable.


May use some of our savings to make a donation to the TCA.

To keep this thread on track, the convention itself was a great one.  The Ozark Division people were wonderful hosts and the weather more or less cooperated.  The most important thing I enjoy about the conventions is the great people I only get to see on a periodic basis.  I am looking forward to Philly next year as that is coming together quite well too and it looks to be another fun time.


As to the official actions taken at the national directors meeting, I will refrain from comment until the official minutes have been released and corrected which should happen very soon.  All I will say is that this national meeting was one of the most productive meetings held in years and members of the BOD could disagree professionally but still shake hands afterwards after wrestling with some very, very challenging decisions.  Nothing received a rubber stamp and there was vigorous debate.  At the end of the day, the future health of the TCA was always the reason for the actions taken.  This is my fourth national meeting and this year's meeting dealt with more substantive issues than the last three combined.


Again, St. Louis was really very interesting.  Lots of trains to see, a lot of history, great friends, and a nice time.

Although I agree with the increase in dues the amount was not nearly enough. I would have raised it to $75.00 Minimum. They expect to lose 10% of the membership because of the dues increase but if your buying trains and can't afford $15.00 then your doing something wrong. 


In saying that I am not wealthy or anywhere near it. My pension was decreased by two thirds because of bankruptcy of the company i worked for. So my spending on trains will be curtailed. But I do enjoy the trains I have. I will also deal with the increase in dues. 

Mr. Blume,

There has been 1 dues increase in the last 6 years and that was only $3.  You are entitled to your opinion but before you post you need to check the facts.  You may have some good ideas about money management so why don't you get involved?  Run for office, volunteer to help your local division.  That is the way to go.  The BoD works very hard to use the TCA's resources properly, what are basing your comments on?


Paul Edgar

Past President

Assuming Mr. Edgar is correct that the dues have been the same for five years now, and increased by three dollars six years ago, that would make the $15 increase the same as a three dollar a year increase each year since the last increase.


i ve only been a member since '11, but hopefully this will allow the club to build up a rainy day fund, and relieve some stress of funding the museum. Hopefully the increase in dues is not offset by a reductIon in members.


J White



Originally Posted by Allan Miller:
Originally Posted by Modelrailroader:

...And what else do you get, nothing. 

Sadly, an all-too-common attitude among those who think first and foremost of how they might reap personal benefit, without regard to contributing to the hobby as a whole and its future.


Fifty dollars (or whatever) a year causes an uproar among some who spend hundreds, or more likely thousands, of dollars annually for toys to support their hobby interests.  What's that...a measly $15 a year more to belong?  Less than the cost of attending a movie or a modest dinner out.  There's something inherently wrong with that picture.  

I don't often agree with Allan Miller, but when I do....

Originally Posted by j white:

I ve only been a member since '11, but hopefully this will allow the club to build up a rainy day fund, and relieve some stress of funding the museum. Hopefully the increase in dues is not offset by a reductIon in members.


J White



That is the plan. Funds will be put into the budget for long term maintenance of the Museum and Library as well as to fund the clubs other activities. An endowment fund was also set up with committees to run it according to new rules setup to control it. The endowment is overseen by a banking institution much like a trust. As the endowment fund grows through donations from members interest earned will go to funding of the museum and library taking more of the cost away from club and dues. It will take a few years before the endowment fund has an impact but once it does it should help to stabilize the TCA's finances.

Originally Posted by Tranz4mr:

...An endowment fund was also set up with committees to run it according to new rules setup to control it. The endowment is overseen by a banking institution much like a trust. As the endowment fund grows through donations from members interest earned will go to funding of the museum and library taking more of the cost away from club and dues. It will take a few years before the endowment fund has an impact but once it does it should help to stabilize the TCA's finances.

Sounds like a VERY good plan to me, and they can count on my support.  It is, in my opinion, vital that both the Museum and Library activities be protected and preserved.  Those functions, over the long term, are far more important for the future than any of the TCA's other initiatives, including Division activities such as the York Meet.


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