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I'm fairly new to this Forum and I can tell you that the layouts are just awesome!

If it wasn't for my first set of Lionel 0-27 trains back in 1952, and falling asleep with the new Lionel catalog back then,I might not be enjoying my retirement as much as I am now upgrading my layout.

I still can't wait for the new catalogs to come out!

Having fun with trains either "O-27, "O"  or even standard gauge is what this hobby is about.

Originally Posted by Christopher2035:

about as traditional postwar as you can get - 








:Looking great as always Chris.  Although I'm a scale 3 rail kind of guy, your pics have motivated me to break out some of my postwar & MPC stuff more often lately.


In the picture above, I was curious, is the brown pipe flatcar the 6511 or the rare 6311?  I have a few 6511s in my collection each are variations and I have a couple of the 6311s too, with original pipe loads.  As an aside, I also have the later 6811 crate car with the original crate load, of which I have yet to see another that didn't have the crate that wasn't lifted from the 3444 operating gondola.


As John K mentioned above, your layout really brings out the postwar bug in many of us. This Christmas, I'm going to rework our seasonal layout into a Postwar Display type layout along the lines of what you've done. Been accumulating tubular track and switches over the past few months.

Thanks again,



Lousy photo of my layout but it is all I have now. Just re-did it about a month ago. Had scenery for years and have been unhappy with recent scenery work so I opted to tear it all out and go back to carpet. I STRONGLY prefer the grey carpet to green...just looks cleaner to me as I despise that Brady Bunch astroturf stuff that flakes everywhere. The carpet was a 6x8 roll at Home Depot...cut it down to 4x8. 


All Lionel 0-27 track. Outer loop is 0-42 curves, inner is 0-27. All switches are Ross switches and I have added a third yard track since this photo was taken. Sorry I don't have any better pictures but I took this with the iPhone a few weeks ago. I will make it a point to take better photos with a real camera during the long weekend ahead. 


This is a bit of a more packing every building and piece of track anywhere I can, etc. I REALLY like the simple, clean look. 



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Last edited by SJC
Originally Posted by John Korling:
Originally Posted by Christopher2035:

about as traditional postwar as you can get - 








:Looking great as always Chris.  Although I'm a scale 3 rail kind of guy, your pics have motivated me to break out some of my postwar & MPC stuff more often lately.


In the picture above, I was curious, is the brown pipe flatcar the 6511 or the rare 6311?  I have a few 6511s in my collection each are variations and I have a couple of the 6311s too, with original pipe loads.  As an aside, I also have the later 6811 crate car with the original crate load, of which I have yet to see another that didn't have the crate that wasn't lifted from the 3444 operating gondola.


John - 


I like scale stuff too, just don't have the space for it in O, so I'm working an NS N  scale door layout  


The flatcar is the Brow version of the 6511, which would be correct for that set. 


Do you mean this crate car ? - 


Originally Posted by Christopher2035:
Originally Posted by John Korling:
Originally Posted by Christopher2035:

about as traditional postwar as you can get - 








:Looking great as always Chris.  Although I'm a scale 3 rail kind of guy, your pics have motivated me to break out some of my postwar & MPC stuff more often lately.


In the picture above, I was curious, is the brown pipe flatcar the 6511 or the rare 6311?  I have a few 6511s in my collection each are variations and I have a couple of the 6311s too, with original pipe loads.  As an aside, I also have the later 6811 crate car with the original crate load, of which I have yet to see another that didn't have the crate that wasn't lifted from the 3444 operating gondola.


John - 


I like scale stuff too, just don't have the space for it in O, so I'm working an NS N  scale door layout  


The flatcar is the Brow version of the 6511, which would be correct for that set. 


Do you mean this crate car ? - 


Yep, that's the car.  I noticed that I accidentally said 6811 for that car (that's what I get when I copy & paste and don't double-check )


The 6821 flat car is a common piece easily found but the original crate load that came with it is very scarce.  I've double-checked my collection and I've actually got two of them with the original crates. 


I've seen people try to sell these with the crate load that came with the 3444 operating gondola before, which is the same load but the 3444 crates have the simulated stencils on the crates and has the opening on the top for the actuation lever & holes for the spindles for the tape loop the cop & hobbo are attached to.

Very interesting posts and impressed. Its the 4X8s, 6X9s, or slightly larger 027, 031 layouts that will, and do stir the interest  of most Model Railroaders yesterday, and true today. What with the economy, smaller homes, lack of space, these smaller, traditional may well be what keeps the Hobby alive, and passes on to the next generation, Model Railroading.

We all wish we could go/have bigger layouts, buts its these 027s that make it come true today, with expansions and switches tomorrow. I can truly say, my friend and neighbor wouldn't have built his small layout, if I hadn't shown him pics from this forum. Otherwise, he would have been left only with a year end trackage under the tree to enjoy a few weeks each year.

Keep posting these great 027 layout.

Last edited by josef

Yes, I too like seeing the 4 x 8's. I do not have the room for anything large. I will end up with 2-4x8's and another 3x8 or 4x8 for a yard. but they are all designed to fold up and be mobile, so I can move them out of the way to use garage. Right now I'm putting together a modified double loop 4x8 based on the Lionel D-27 dealer display.

My first train was a 1949 Lionel Scout...just working out the kinks on my first semi-permanent layout some 65 years later. Of course like most everyone else...always seem to be making an adjustment here and tweak there...but having fun doing it! All 027 Lionel track and switches...minimum 027 curves...pretty tight in places, but plenty of interest for my friends grandchildren...and enjoy...









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Last edited by UKE KAT

Wow! There's so many amazing layouts on here! Kudos to all of you who put the time and effort in to make everything extra awesome!



After a simplifying and de-cluttering, I actually have a few sceneries done!


It's not much, but it's home enough and is actually perfect for my semi-scale stuff like the 0-6-0 docksider and my old 1130 Scout but if my 2046 Hudson could tell me what it was thinking, guarantee I would be getting yelled at.


Really really enjoy the clattering of Marx 6" tin as it runs around this too and with the Marx crane in there, it's even more fun!





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Last edited by SteamWolf
Originally Posted by Steamer:

green painted plywood. O27 tube track. Pre&Postwar Lionel,Marx,except for one lone MTH M1a and a WBB J class.And Plasticville and Marx buildings in my crappy basement.





its not a crappy basement. and at least you have a place to set up. Ive gotta clean my garage out from all my wifes crap. the layout is great.

I use 027 track and 027 Marx switches as that is what I had from childhood and I planned to make a complicated and packed layout.  I wound up with 27 switches and the low price of Marx switches really helped (usually $5 or less a pair).


Now some will say all these tight turns do not look very realistic but this is a TOY train layout not scale layout.  Also 027 allows me to run rather large engines like 2035, 2056 etc.  So whats not to like.



Last edited by Choo Choo Charlie
Originally Posted by ams:

This is probably my favorite thread on the forum right now... the notion of a very small, very busy O27 layout has always been appealing to me.


Threw this together last night--thinking about building a 3'x3' and making it action-packed!





Put it together tonight to see if I liked it enough to build it out on a card table.  It's not as much fun as I'd hoped and requires a lot of attention to coordinate all the switches.  Back to the drawing board! 




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Originally Posted by ams:
Originally Posted by ams:

This is probably my favorite thread on the forum right now... the notion of a very small, very busy O27 layout has always been appealing to me.


Threw this together last night--thinking about building a 3'x3' and making it action-packed!





Put it together tonight to see if I liked it enough to build it out on a card table.  It's not as much fun as I'd hoped and requires a lot of attention to coordinate all the switches.  Back to the drawing board! 



Looks like a nice little layout. Switching from loop to loop (requiring the attention and coordination) would make it more fun for me, but I think I would leave out the little circle loop. You could put a station or some action accessory at the locations of the two switches for that loop.


What a great thread! Seeing all the different ideas and options of smaller layouts is wonderful.  I am starting to get the PostWar bug myself!  I have acquired an operating barrel car, cattle corral, milk car and want to build a small postwar layout just for fun!  


I have visited JohnsGG1 layout and it is fantastic! 


Great thread!

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