I friend who dropped by the talk trains yesterday saw me using this and said "you ought to tell people about this." So I am.
I imagine many others have had this idea - and I find mine very useful. I made this clearance test loco to check that a loco will make it around my loop without interference - avoids using an expensive, delicate, and heavy loco that could do some damage to itself or to tunnel portals, insides of tunnels, buildings put too near the track, etc. This way I can find out there is a problem and the worst that happens is that some cardboard gets bent. It is an unmodified Lionel loco - the wooden template base just snaps into place without screws, etc. Originally, I made cardboard templates to represent the boiler and cab stick out and max height of all the larger locos I had - JLC Big Boy, MTH Coal Turbine. Anymore, I usually run it with a "master" template that represents the biggest dimensions of locos - I have them for all my locos on 72", of all those that will run on 60" on that curve radii, and for 36" curve loops, too. I kept on the layout when I "planted" all the trees of my forest to make certain that all my locos would miss, but just miss, hitting trees. I was running it yesterday when my friend came by because I had discovered that a new (to me) Vision CC2 had bigger stick out of o-54 curves, at certain heights, than the master template for my other locos had, and I had to make a template and test my O-54 loop before letting it loose on it.