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Seeking information on both 3rd Rail and MTH Pennsylvania P5a Boxcabs (not the P5a Modified). Mostly interested in the aesthetics of the models and performance of the motor. There aren't too many good pictures on the internet. I'm interested in getting one in the not-so-distant future and will probably have a ERR conversion done on it so I can run it with Legacy.

Would love to see any videos/pictures that anyone might have!!!

Last edited by Prr7688
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An ERR conversion is certainly possible, but I'm not sure how close you can come.  Certainly, the operating pans would be history, ERR doesn't offer anything like that.  The steam release could probably be simulated with a timer on the smoke control if you wanted it.  Movement and lights aren't a big issue, those are certainly doable.

The biggest issue I see is the sounds, you would be limited to the GG-1/EP5 sound set.  Close, but probably not ideal.

An ERR conversion is certainly possible, but I'm not sure how close you can come.  Certainly, the operating pans would be history, ERR doesn't offer anything like that.  The steam release could probably be simulated with a timer on the smoke control if you wanted it.  Movement and lights aren't a big issue, those are certainly doable.

The biggest issue I see is the sounds, you would be limited to the GG-1/EP5 sound set.  Close, but probably not ideal.

I appreciate the input! I figured I would have to use a GG1 sound set on it if I go with the conversion. Not too concerned about loosing the steam release - I'll be using these on freights anyways .

As you mentioned, the big loss would be the operating pans. I don't think the 3rd Rail P5 has operating pans so it might make more sense to do the conversion on that model of it. (I could be wrong, but I don't think that they come with TMCC from the factory as they are older models).

The MTH pans work fine manually, you would just take off the motor assembly inside and all would be well and they'd be like the 3rd rail, manual.

I've never thought about making them work with a TMCC upgrade, obviously something might be possible, just keyed off the direction, but that would have to be researched.  My sense is it would be a simple custom board that watched the directional lights and did the pan operation, it's pretty simple logic.  If you didn't use the smoke for steam release, you could use that output to disable the pans and pull them both down by command control as well.

I've done 2 - 3 dozen ERR (actually a couple of Train America at first) conversions over the last 20 years. Not an expert, and I don't get fancy, but I'm familiar. Go/Stop/Sound (usually)/E'coupler(s). Done. Smoke, if track powered.

But - TMCC antennas on a brass or die-cast's not like you have or can make a plastic coal load/oil bunker, or have a plastic tender or diesel body, or have a metal tender body to insulate. I converted an MTH NYC all die-cast P-2 electric to ERR some time back. I wound up insulating the entire body shell, which was tedious, as I recall.

Heck, for a while, a whip antenna was looking pretty good.

How do you experts do it on these brass/die-cast full-metal-jacket electrics?

The MTH pans work fine manually, you would just take off the motor assembly inside and all would be well and they'd be like the 3rd rail, manual.

I've never thought about making them work with a TMCC upgrade, obviously something might be possible, just keyed off the direction, but that would have to be researched.  My sense is it would be a simple custom board that watched the directional lights and did the pan operation, it's pretty simple logic.  If you didn't use the smoke for steam release, you could use that output to disable the pans and pull them both down by command control as well.

Not sure if you have this answer handy, but how do MTH pans stop at full extension? Limit switch?

If it is a limit switch, then it easily could be controlled off the directional lighting as you said.

The pans do stop at their limits, they're actually quite reliable.  The only issue with them is the belt is the weak point, that's the most common repair I do on the pans for MTH, simple replace it with the correct sized O-ring.

Sorry, I should've phrased my question better... how exactly does the motor raising the pans know when to stop?

I could see them using one of these but unsure.

Last edited by Prr7688

Lionel mechanisms on scale electrics deploy into a fixed position that cannot follow catenary height variances.  MTH remains spring loaded when deployed so that the option to power from pants is possible. 

I have the MTH P5 boxcab with late PS2.  Zinc pest exists on numerous examples of this batch.  In fact, I see it also exists on the roof of VThokie's.  Mine has deteriorated worse, a condition that didn't exist when I purchased it second hand.  I hope whoever gets back to building these can provide us with replacement shells.


@brwebster posted:

I have the MTH P5 boxcab with late PS2.  Zinc pest exists on numerous examples of this batch.  In fact, I see it also exists on the roof of VThokie's.  Mine has deteriorated worse, a condition that didn't exist when I purchased it second hand.  I hope whoever gets back to building these can provide us with replacement shells.

MTH had them in the 2020 Catalog, delivery in June 2021.  I suspect it'll be a long while before they're run again!

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