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Hi All:

I am in O-Scale 2-Rail pure DC and have run into an issue where the engine from Block A Stammers or Stalls going into Block B, depending on the speed.   I have no problem with going from block to block using the same power supply.  However; when Block B is a 2nd identical power supply I get the voltages as seen in the WORD drawing as shown below:

The power supplies are home made transistor throttles.  They each contain Volt and Amp meters.  I made these from plans obtained from Model RR Magazine a number of years ago.  Each throttle contains a transformer.  They work well but only put out 2-3 Amps each.  A little light for O-Scale.

I am using Tortoise machines and have parallelled the internal switches to gain 8 amps for my hot Frog, as recommended in the event of a short at the frog to protect the Tortoise traces.

I have tried to stagger the gaps between the two blocks and now I have the gaps opposite each other.  Same issue.

I have run two different All-Nation engines that don't have wheel wipers.  I have an Acme 44T switcher that has wheel wipers and they all act the same.

I am now out of Idea's and thought maybe someone else has experienced the same issue?

Thanks....2016-07-20 13.50.46



Images (2)
  • 2016-07-20 13.50.46: Identical Power Supplies
  • P1070600: Picture of WORD drawing
Original Post

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My best guess is that you have the second transformer wired backwards of the first.  Looking at the measurements you've listed it appears the transformers are set to different voltages, but that shouldn't matter in the grand scheme.   Assuming that both transformers are set to the same voltage, measure between points 5 and 7, and between points 6 and 8.  These should both read 0 volts.  If either measurement reads 10 volts (or whatever voltage the transformer is set to) you have the wires hooked up backwards to one transformer.  

Also, you don't need to isolate both tracks.  you can make one rail connected throughout and only break the other rail to form blocks.  


Check the transformers first - (along John's point) with a meter -    meter + on transformer red,  meter - on transformer black. If the output is reversed by internal wiring or direction switch is positioned opposite - one should read minus -DC volts or the analog pointer moves toward 0 that transformer's output is not the same as the other. make them the same. Simple as moving the direction switch. mark then to forward when both get DC + readings.

Then, head to the track...


Thank you for your good comments.


My throttles are set to different voltages only to be able to distinguish between the two throttles at Block A and Block B.  I understand that both will need to be the same for a smooth transition from A to B.   The engine goes straight thru the switch fine.  When exiting the switch into block B, it stalls at low voltages but drives thru at higher speeds.  So all my polarity is good.  The Frog is good.  The engine at low speed will stall at the double gap with the front truck in Block B and the rear truck still in Block A.

I isolate both rails because I am not using common ground.  I intend to trigger signals off the track voltages since all my Tortoise contacts are used to gain a potential of 8 amps instead of 4 amps in the event of a derailment.  I have fused my throttle outputs to 8 amps as well.  I have lots of wire of course, all #12 with many smaller gauge feeders about every 4 feet.

Setting both blocks to 10V, I still get lower voltages at 5/8 and 6/7 around 2V.

Please see my schematic below:  Are you asking me to change the polarity of the 120/17V transformer at point A or Point B?



My polarity is all correct to the best of my knowledge.  I can drive the engine straight thru the switch and also into and onto Block B at high speed.  The Frog is the correct polarity as well.


I believe the Frog is not the problem.  All my Top Rails are (+) and all my bottom rails are (-) .  With Block A set to 10 Volts and Block B set to 14 Volts, here are the voltages as you had asked:

5 - 8 = 3.23 Plus Volts

6 -7 = 3.92 Plus Volts

I am measuring with a Fluke Multimeter with the Black Lead on the top most rail and the Red lead on the bottom most rail.  Frog to bottom Block B rail is Positive 10 Volts.

Here is my  panel and the bottom most switch is the culprit.  I have since added LED lights that are not yet shown here.


Thank you all for your continued interest.  


Images (2)
  • P1070601
  • P1070586

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