Hi All:
I am in O-Scale 2-Rail pure DC and have run into an issue where the engine from Block A Stammers or Stalls going into Block B, depending on the speed. I have no problem with going from block to block using the same power supply. However; when Block B is a 2nd identical power supply I get the voltages as seen in the WORD drawing as shown below:
The power supplies are home made transistor throttles. They each contain Volt and Amp meters. I made these from plans obtained from Model RR Magazine a number of years ago. Each throttle contains a transformer. They work well but only put out 2-3 Amps each. A little light for O-Scale.
I am using Tortoise machines and have parallelled the internal switches to gain 8 amps for my hot Frog, as recommended in the event of a short at the frog to protect the Tortoise traces.
I have tried to stagger the gaps between the two blocks and now I have the gaps opposite each other. Same issue.
I have run two different All-Nation engines that don't have wheel wipers. I have an Acme 44T switcher that has wheel wipers and they all act the same.
I am now out of Idea's and thought maybe someone else has experienced the same issue?